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  1. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    no but they can hold me back from catching my flight, and or take it away.
  2. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    im an 18 year old girl. you really think i'd have any impact on the tsa? shit if i told them to fuck off, they're bound to get pissed and invent reasons to fuck with me
  3. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    its just the fact im not checking my bags, id have to take them through the scanners, and if they see a pipe, they're gonna open my bag and question me. I AM NOT GOOD AT BEING QUESTIONED BY PEOPLE WITH MARTIAL AUTHORITY. Plus the TSA is known to be VERY stupid and mishandles ALOT of things, I...
  4. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    Im not even risking it, im not smoking out of it until I get home from vegas
  5. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    Well he's trying to talk me into bringing it onto the plane, he says he's done it before, and just to say its a tabbacco pipe. But..... it makes me nervous so im trying to convince him into helping me mail it so it gets home the same time I do.
  6. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    lol seriously need help on this, i dont want to bring it through airport security
  7. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    My twin bro called me today and asked me if I wanted a steam roller, or a bubbler. I told him to surprise me so he called back 30 min later and told me that I'm getting a new bubbler for christmas. Quick question. How can I get it home from vegas? I cant bring it on the plane, so can i ship it...
  8. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    kuroi and shannon, just got to replace the white chick with kuroi
  9. Urca

    gay people

    im sorry, i didnt mean to disappoint you, i was talking about the few people I know, I said for the most part that i have no issue, really like gay people, except the diva type.
  10. Urca

    The Walking Dead

    i know ricks wife is such a annoying person. like damn its a zobie attack, your problems are small compared to total annhilation.
  11. Urca

    gay people

    i did, and i think you are right, its problably just a coincidence that they are gay
  12. Urca

    still "Mammas Boy"

    ive never been close with my mom, we just grate against each other. im a daddy's girl. my dad and I have been close ever since I was a little girl. We can sit for hours and talk about everything, we smoke together.
  13. Urca

    gay people

    sorry i know i know, i shouldnt let spoiled people get under my skin.
  14. Urca

    gay people

    btw this is more than one friend. I had one gay friend in hs who talked his dad into buying him a 4000 dollar watch, and he acted like it was nothing. dude had a key chain that cost 500 bucks from tiffany. he acted like because he was born, he deserved it
  15. Urca

    gay people

    i didnt even go shopping with him. id go nuts if i did. he's admitted he has a serious shopping problem, that he spends too much money. so when i said dont have champaign tastes on a beer budget, he's gonna get all snippy with me? and then say he has money? yet a week ago saying "i have a...
  16. Urca

    gay people

    its always slightly irked me, but i brushed it aside because hey, we're friends. but when you act like a diva and talk down to me because daddy gives you money to spend, then i have an issue.
  17. Urca

    Occupy Christmas

    whatever. they will change nothing. btw california isnt the only one who has a terrible education system, its nationwide. but, instead of protesting this or that like liberals with ideals but with no practical application, how about demanding the return of manufacturing jobs to the united...
  18. Urca

    gay people

    this isnt about me, this is about wtf is going on with those gay people
  19. Urca

    Occupy Christmas

    occupy is stupid. get off your asses and work. nuff said. if they want to protest something, why dont they come to california and protest education spending here? Our public schools are way underfunded, the UC college system charges more and more every year just to get in, and same goes for...
  20. Urca

    gay people

    see the thing is, im not jealous. I mean, id never want to have my mom give me that much money and I would die spending 400 bucks on a jacket, or buying a car for myself with family money instead of earning it. its just the fact that the many diva type gays I have met feel so "entitled" to what...