Yay new bubbler


Well-Known Member
fuck it, im just gonna mail it. im a worry wort and this is the only way i wont worry.

anywho, im excited for my new bubbler, cant wait to get my hands on it


Well-Known Member
So you made a thread for the sole purpose of ignoring our advice?
i respect your advice, its just i panic and worry on the little things, just thinking about doing it right now makes my pulse race, so im just gonna mail it


Well-Known Member
i respect your advice, its just i panic and worry on the little things, just thinking about doing it right now makes my pulse race, so im just gonna mail it
If it makes your pulse race, then fucking do it. Thats what life is about

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
im an 18 year old girl. you really think i'd have any impact on the tsa? shit if i told them to fuck off, they're bound to get pissed and invent reasons to fuck with me

Well he's trying to talk me into bringing it onto the plane, he says he's done it before, and just to say its a tabbacco pipe.
But..... it makes me nervous so im trying to convince him into helping me mail it so it gets home the same time I do.
Your brother seems smart enough

Just don't smoke out of it... or clean it really good...

If it is clean... It's a pipe, which is legal... for tobacco...... just obviously don't say you intend to smoke weed with it... shit you don't need to intend to smoke anything out of it and you can still posses it. Only when it smells of drugs, and has drug residue (tar) in it is it considered marijuana paraphernalia and is illegal to posses....

This is why if your going to drive with glass make sure it's clean..... I don't understand how so many stupid people forget about dirty chillums or pipes in their car and get popped for a misdemeanor...... Keep your glass spotless or don't keep it on you :lol:...

Same goes with an airplane...


Well-Known Member
Thats great, love new pieces.

I just found a brand new glass bong in my cupboard. my bro got it for me for my birthday, but i wanted to wait for harvest to break it in with good smoke. anyways I forgot about it, and just found it like 30 min ago.....