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  1. Urca

    quality over quantity

    i get it from four different people, usually i go to the three who charge less but only have so so weed
  2. Urca

    Id love to see something outside the us. i want to go to france soooooo bad. and the...

    Id love to see something outside the us. i want to go to france soooooo bad. and the netherlands, im a big fan of dutch art. and i love fauvism, impressionism, and new objectivity
  3. Urca

    Ah ive never even been to the east coast. Im a california girl. Lol not near the beach, though...

    Ah ive never even been to the east coast. Im a california girl. Lol not near the beach, though, its central california, lots of farms, but i live in a big city
  4. Urca

    quality over quantity

    its hyperbole of course, this will problably last me until like tuesday or wednesday. Im just saying, the quality is way different.
  5. Urca

    quality over quantity

    so the last few times (id say about 10 times) I bought weed, i bought it at a low price for (30 1/8ths, 45 dollar 1/4ths) and then they'd still always plug it. but the weed wasnt very good, i didnt get very high. I got high, but not like the woah im high, its just at the "im feeling ok" stage...
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    that is the gayest and most unattractive thing i have ever seen a man wear.
  7. Urca

    that would be awesome. have you ever been stateside?

    that would be awesome. have you ever been stateside?
  8. Urca

    Look At Me Now! I'm Makin' Pancakes!

    i like hip hop, ya know
  9. Urca

    Look At Me Now! I'm Makin' Pancakes!

    haha why not?
  10. Urca

    Look At Me Now! I'm Makin' Pancakes!

    dots are you white?
  11. Urca

    Secrets, Secrets are no fun. Unless they are for everyone :)

    your nuts, you smoke way too much. seriously, people create conspiracies to give spice to their lives. Personally my step grandfather was a free mason, and he did alot of good in his life. people just fucking think this kind of shit because their lives are so mundane, and they want to be a...
  12. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    um, no. im not that kind of girl. i want to make the guy happy, i dont expect to made happy, but at this point in time its getting ridiculous
  13. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    hmm, i do that for the guy i see, and i get shit back. Shit, he wont even sleep with me or touch me lower than my chest, but god forbid if I dont blow him. it goes both ways
  14. Urca

    You wanna get burnt or buried!

    Id want to save people with my organs if i could, because life is precious, and when im gone, I can let someone else live.
  15. Urca

    first you were like on a little video saying yeah, btw, im coming to stay for a while, glad i...

    first you were like on a little video saying yeah, btw, im coming to stay for a while, glad i finally get to see you, blah, blah, then we just kinda flopped down on a mattress, lit one up, and watched movies.
  16. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    eww seriously?
  17. Urca

    you were in my dream last night. it was weird

    you were in my dream last night. it was weird
  18. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol its fine, im not down. Lol its the one thing I like to accent, along with my hair. long red hair and boobs are the main things that people notice about me. Once when I was 15 the whole class said "Erica always wears low cut stuff" when the french teacher read out the school rules about dress...
  19. Urca

    Who's Irish In Here?

    Hahaha well I like penis just as much as you do, but I dont think vjj's are eww, that is, when they are well kept
  20. Urca

    Who's Irish In Here?

    carne gosh darn you for being a tease, cause you know damn well if you were straight you'd be getting pussy 24/7