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  1. luvvin growin

    my next crop

    took mine two days to show the first leaves,the next,I had two more shooting out of them.On day 4 now and 1/4" of growth,so give it a day or so.
  2. luvvin growin

    switching over to 12/12?

    hydro for seven years,11 in soil before that.I will still throw a seed in some good soil tho,I get the urge to go natural once in a while.I experiment with alot of stuff now to figure out what's shit and what's not.
  3. luvvin growin

    a few pics

    Knowledge is free,sharing costs only time,so it's the least I could do
  4. luvvin growin

    Badass Stealth Grow in Cabinet, perfected

    absolutely beautiful,I love the design.
  5. luvvin growin

    what is my problem? PICS! helllllp!!!!!!!!

    you have shoked the plants playing with the nute level so radically.I hate to say it,but if you don't tighten it up soon,tou will lose it all.Also,when asking for help,you should try to be specific as to what you're doing,or no amount of advice is going to help.Any nute changes,especially in...
  6. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    any time,thats why we're all here
  7. luvvin growin

    switching over to 12/12?

    I meant that I used both for veg growth but found better results switching up between the two for pre-flower.Hope it all helped.
  8. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    Indeed.All of the White strains are my favs to grow,so I've got mine down to a science so I dont get that way.My patients really enjoy it too.
  9. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    Not at all,the sativas like more development as opossed to the mixes/indicas,which are mostly the same.
  10. luvvin growin

    Grow cabinet build log with pics

    I guess so,it looked like the sun was in that box.Keep up the great work.
  11. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    If you've got a nice lens to see the development of your trichomes,you'll notice about 1/2 to 2/3 begin to turn from white to goldish,that's when MY plants are done with no couch lock to the buzz.usually 9 1/2 to 10 weeks is good.
  12. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    Nice looking girls there,looks like you need no help from what I'm looking at.
  13. luvvin growin

    taking off

    Cool,hope things turn out well for you,I've got 18+years of this,and its what works for me.:)
  14. luvvin growin

    mercury vapor lamp

    besides that,the MH light took over for it mainstream production wise in '08,as it was banned for use by the EPA
  15. luvvin growin

    mercury vapor lamp

    It will if you want some b/s,but I've never heard of good results from that type of lamp,wrong spectrum for flowers
  16. luvvin growin

    white widow! need input!

    all act diff.,just gotta keep checkin the chomes for development, 9 to 10 wks depending on the seed house,nice looking girls.
  17. luvvin growin

    a few pics

    without knowing his feeding sched. how far the lights were,no way to really tell....looking like some light and some good feeding should perk it up,but lightly,he may have been over feeding...but drown it in light for sure
  18. luvvin growin

    Grow cabinet build log with pics

    Sweet,I like the ieas,keep up posting,I would like to see how things turn out,that box is BRIGHT AS HELL,that's the kind of lumens I'm trying to put out!
  19. luvvin growin

    Grow cabinet build log with pics

    One bad ass set up.One quick question,how big do you think the plant(s) will be,not a whole lot of top space.
  20. luvvin growin

    a few pics

    ok,now things are looking better,at least for the second plant,lol,but seriously,the first one looks leggy as hell,and maybe undernourished,hard to tell from that pic.You should be able to maintain it for that long