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  1. luvvin growin

    Blue Cheeze 7 weeks flowering (pics)

    sick ass nugs,good work!
  2. luvvin growin

    4-pin CFL, co2, FF soil, and temp QUESTIONs!

    As for the soil,used both with the same resulting yield and potency +/- 5grams of yield,no loss of THC
  3. luvvin growin

    4-pin CFL, co2, FF soil, and temp QUESTIONs!

    the light set up is pretty simple,you've got that much,the heat MIGHT be a problem if it goes over 90.the co2 thing will work,just make sure it is flowing on the plants,not just in the room.can't be airtight,so there is going to be some co2 lost,but noy much.It's a good method of treating them...
  4. luvvin growin

    nice to have a

    nice to have a
  5. luvvin growin

    put my first two babies into flower this morning!!

    true that the extra light is always a good thing.Suppliment it any way you can.
  6. luvvin growin

    Indoor to outdoor?

    Sounds good,I used to do both,now i'm strictly indoors.Good luck,hope it turns out well for you.
  7. luvvin growin

    Question about stealth

    the only way is to have a good venting system set hot does it get w cfl's?
  8. luvvin growin

    out door grower needs help with lights

    how big is the room?stealthgrowing has a little cab w/150 watts,and its one of the best I've seen,you should check his out....
  9. luvvin growin

    put my first two babies into flower this morning!!

    Noy usually any stress involved,but given that you started with bagseed,you'll just have to wait it out.The plants usually will respond faster to the flouros or MH b/c its whats making them grow,the HPS will make them grow a little,but most of the effort now is in producing those wonderful buds.
  10. luvvin growin

    Indoor to outdoor?

    Yeah,unfortunately it would re veg them yo break it up now.ran an experiment last year with a White Widow that we put out for 5 hours a day during the midday and she reacted really well,but thats the only one I've done,but my friend at Greenhouse Seeds tells me that they do it all the time in...
  11. luvvin growin

    what is my problem? PICS! helllllp!!!!!!!!

    no tension ...btw,how much SuperThrive do you give them when you do?
  12. luvvin growin

    Indoor to outdoor?

    I've heard of people putting the plants outside to air during the day when its hot out,and never heard of any problems,but you have to take care of the cycle,of course.Heard it does em good.Not sure though,most of my stuff is inside so....
  13. luvvin growin

    Outdoor moving to indoor?

    yeah you can do it.shouldnt hurt anything
  14. luvvin growin

    Lowryder 2 CFL Grow

    It is an auto flower,I've replicated 10,000 lumens f2 in a controlled environ and had them begin to produce buds at 3 days out of the shell.You have to go easy on any nutes,found they like them in omderation only.
  15. luvvin growin

    need help on a new room? +rep

    Well,everybody else is saying it,the second design is best,but more clearance for your plants,most strains nearly double in height!Dont want them getting cramped.
  16. luvvin growin

    my next crop

    just kkep waiting,they'll popup,and then you'll be smiling.
  17. luvvin growin

    switching over to 12/12?

    thats awesome.I often cut the nodes at the bottom to go SCROG so I know that its nice to get that extra growth.
  18. luvvin growin


    I agree w M Blaze,no need for MH,HPS does a better job.
  19. luvvin growin

    switching over to 12/12?

    Nope,not usually.Tried over three generations of Mother's Finest and the impact was the same with or without it.Overall 120 clones treated with molasses,no improvement in THC production,finish,or overall quality...but some people swear by it,to each his own.
  20. luvvin growin

    Northern lights and Ice grow; 4x4 tent

    How far is the light from the tops?