white widow! need input!


Active Member
Not at all,the sativas like more development as opossed to the mixes/indicas,which are mostly the same.
cool comment, I know that widow is sopposed to be indica dominant, & they(indica) tend to have a heavy stone. That's why I want to find the right time.................fully matured/full grown to yield potential, but a great smoke I can enjoy anytime without gettin' the dragass!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yours look good. I am growing some currently. the only difference i see is that they aren't that bushy. Mine have leaves coming out the arse!!! Keep doing what you are doing. What kind and what size light are you using??


Active Member
L I B!! my scope came in the mail!!!! It's time I tend my ladies anyway, so, I'll get to have a good look! I'll try to get some new pics posted too,although my camera is mediocre at best, espescially under the hps........dig my albums, her sisters are really bushy, she was the victim of being in veg while I had to work out of town for 2wks with the lights raised high....