a few pics

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
some soil on the leaf in 1st pic but not bad pics
this 1 is weird
im plant sitting 4 a friend and this is his

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
idk exactly a couple weeks at the most ,,,,,,its really droopy and shit and the leaves dont look right
he'll be bak in about 10 days i dont want it to die while hes gone

luvvin growin

Active Member
ok,now things are looking better,at least for the second plant,lol,but seriously,the first one looks leggy as hell,and maybe undernourished,hard to tell from that pic.You should be able to maintain it for that long

luvvin growin

Active Member
without knowing his feeding sched. how far the lights were,no way to really tell....looking like some light and some good feeding should perk it up,but lightly,he may have been over feeding...but drown it in light for sure