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  1. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    lol lol lol lol you crack me up. You combined two different aspects of the civil rights movement to make a point, but it was a legal suit brought against the board of education by the family of linda brown, (may be wrong with the first name) to get their daughter into a white school, The case...
  2. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    thats right he did! Ok I redact my statements, fight the power, cant wait to see you crash and burn in the legal system
  3. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    ok looked up misdemeanor probation, they wont extradite you, but you had better hope you never ever go back to the state where probation was issued, or hope that they dont bump it up to a fugitive warrant
  4. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    just because you have a passport doesnt mean they will let you through. I forsee a bad outcome if you go to mexico. And how fucking stupid are you, leaving one state and entering another doesnt nullify your probation, it violates it, you're getting into alot of trouble
  5. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    if its all that neat and tidy, then why flee the state you were in? Regardless of who is watching this for you, by you going to mexico, by you leaving the state you got into trouble in, you are making bad decisions that will impact the severity and out come of your case
  6. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    I may be wrong, and I will admit if I am wrong, but dont the penalties go up if you LEAVE THE STATE AFTER VIOLATING YOUR PROBATION? What happens when you try to go to mexico and you need a passport to get through? Surely they will note your name, your charges, and not let you through. unless...
  7. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    so police dont extradite between states? cant wait till you get busted for your ignorance
  8. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    hey ive learned better about posting every random thought and fin, watching your youtube, you sound just as dumb on video as you do on here
  9. Urca

    Judges to decide: Can religious confessions be used against you?

    thats the thing, there are so many loop holes in it that this will be a tough decision, as it allows an out for criminals, but at the same time interferes with the constitutionals rights of the clergy. I think that there is no real solution to this
  10. Urca

    Judges to decide: Can religious confessions be used against you?

    This one is a toughy. technically, the federal government must allow each individual the free practice of their religion, and by removing the confidentality of the confessional, it limits the free practice of a major Catholic tenet, (or in some protestant christianity too). But then there comes...
  11. Urca

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I got an amazing hookup through my sister's bf, I bought an ounce for 100 bucks, its nice and frosty, overall pretty good weed
  12. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    Oh, i see. not. spring break is not a season, its time off from slaving away in school. But you wouldnt know anything about that Have fun blowing glass Should help that you're full of hot air. *quit making stupid new topics everytime a thought passes through your brain
  13. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    thought you had to be in college in order to have a spring break or at least some kind of school cause last time i checked, life doesnt give any spring breaks
  14. Urca

    I Have Tons Of Bambu Flavored Papers

    Damn I wish you just sold individually, Id definitely buy some cononut or cherry papers
  15. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    Oh back in january I was getting busy with my guy friend, im half naked he's fully naked, and it had just started to heat up, when a cop car starts driving towards us. He got dressed super fast but I couldnt find my clothes, so I put on his jacket. Ive never been so embarrassed as I was when...
  16. Urca

    You got a valentine?

    Ive never had a valentines day thing, or whatever, was always just another day because im not with anyone. I bet its nice though
  17. Urca

    Question for Finshaggy and Urca

    Well its our disagreement, not hers. and we shouldnt even be in disagreement, nothing I said was meant to be insulting about your relationship. I meant no harm, only trying to encourage a friend down in the dumps, then you decided it was offensive and jumped down my throat.
  18. Urca

    Question for Finshaggy and Urca

    wow rainbow brite, you read alot into an encouraging statement for kuroi, I was happy for april and I wanted kuroi to be happy to, but people become vicious on the rag, dont take it out on me
  19. Urca

    Question for Finshaggy and Urca

    What? you're reading way too much into this, and I dont ever remember insulting you, it was the other way around for a while, you take yourself way too seriously, and it was a passing reference. jesus, calm down and be happy, getting yourself worked up over nothing how is it facetious to wish...
  20. Urca

    Question for Finshaggy and Urca

    I brought it up casually, no details, your the one who talks about it every where, all I did was reference it, why are you being so rude? Its kinda hurtful plus all I said was "if matt and april can meet through here, maybe you could" how is that rude when you constantly mention it