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  1. Urca

    Ya just Wanted to say People who make fun of People with Disabilites are Cowards!!!!!

    I really dont have an opinion about the second part, since this isnt my thread
  2. Urca

    Ya just Wanted to say People who make fun of People with Disabilites are Cowards!!!!!

    fuck I tried not to laugh but this was funny.
  3. Urca

    Can Guys Really Not Find the Clitoris.

    Lol thats good advice!!!
  4. Urca

    What is the Answer?

    oh my bad, its a or d, since 50% doesnt appear twice
  5. Urca

    Ya just Wanted to say People who make fun of People with Disabilites are Cowards!!!!!

    wow troll much? Its wrong to put up a down syndrome baby next to an advertisement of planned parenthood, next to a hanger. We all get the joke and its wrong. Not because abortion is wrong, (which it isnt) but the whole thing together is highly offensive. Michael J Fox on the other hand, well, I...
  6. Urca

    What is the Answer?

    its b.............
  7. Urca

    Ya just Wanted to say People who make fun of People with Disabilites are Cowards!!!!!

    The michael j fox one wasnt that bad, but the whole baby with special needs is worse in my opinion. Loved the supertard though
  8. Urca

    Ya just Wanted to say People who make fun of People with Disabilites are Cowards!!!!!

    oh my god, that is so wrong. Not saying you're wrong for posting it, but the person who made it must have a sick sense of humor
  9. Urca

    The Army...

    Fin, your temperment and attitude and life views would screw you over in the military. Dont do it. Im not saying this because I dont like you, Im trying to save you from a dishonorable discharge, you know that many many people will not hire someone with that on their record
  10. Urca

    Can Guys Really Not Find the Clitoris.

    so the real question is, how to get the guy to do anything with it! seriously, starting to piss me off. its like i might as well not even have a vagina, for the amount of attention that he pays to it.
  11. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    Yeah I understand, but I feel like its too late, I mean, if I started therapy tomorrow, Id only have less than 3 months to change a lifetime of emotions and feelings. And knowing how things go with regard to the dentist, dr appts, and what not, Id never even really get to go because my mom...
  12. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    Dizzle, im pretty open about this because what do I have to hide? I mean, i wouldnt share this out on the street with random people, but yes, in writing I can be very open about how I feel about myself. Its easier to say in writing than in person, Id start crying if I did.
  13. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    they also say when I bring things up that I like to play the victim, poor little erica. Then they say im manipulative and bring up shit I did when I was a child to prove it. and I do struggle with depression and low self esteem, but I dont think a therapist can fix it
  14. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    ive asked my mom to go several times, but she brings up the last one I went to, where I didnt tell the truth and whatnot... the reason being, I didnt tell the truth because my mom was sitting right next to me, and if I said how I felt, she'd hold it against me, etc... but when I asked to see my...
  15. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    I wish I could not be so judgemental, and not judge myself so hard. Makes me feel like the worst kind of person
  16. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    its just so hard... i cant even describe to you what I feel and think when I see these girls, or even when Im alone. I told my sister once, how I felt, and she told me that I need to quit, its fucked up and im a bad person, because in her words "you just think you look better than them, who the...
  17. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    dont believe in jesus
  18. Urca

    I think i may be a Bad Person

    Because I compare myself to other people all the time, mainly other girls, and I always have bad thoughts about them in the back of my head. I think "wow she's ugly as fuck and just as fat as me, yet she's with a man and happy" or I see ugly girls Ive gone to school with, and I tell myself...
  19. Urca

    Help me- Help FDD

    Ill be glad to donate what I can afford... sorry it couldnt be more, but I dont have much money to spare.