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  1. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    Whats wrong with a unit? Either way Im pretty sure back in 1781 when they chose the United States of America, they weren't focused on the unit part of the word but the whole word, United. Not Conneticut and Virginia and New York Alliance. Not Delaware and New Jersey and Maine nationalized. The...
  2. Urca

    I might not e nd up ever having to go to court

    You are a farce. Listen to Shiva. Listening to Shiva doesnt help this arument, and you know NOTING about legality or politics, you need help man.
  3. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    You are so stupid. Omg. First off they say united because we're a UNITED BODY OF STATES. Way back in our early days states acted like little countries,under the articles of confederation, but then give them a constitution and BAM united under one name and banner, we became the united states.
  4. Urca

    Hand Rolled Joints. Let's Seem Um!

    So I finally learned how to roll nice joints, so I came on here (had to search for this thread again) and wanted to show off my newbie joint skills. best joints I have ever rolled. They arent that fat that's why there's four of them, but I'd say they aren't skinny either. Overall nice shape and...
  5. Urca

    Sex or Drugs?

    because ive come real close several times and still never got it, and the only guy I want to do it with wont do it with me, yet everytime he gets me worked up and all over him, but he'll never let me and I want to finally do it! Been waiting forever
  6. Urca

    Sex or Drugs?

    Sex. hands down. Ive never had it but still, I want it more than weed or other drugs.
  7. Urca

    I just wish I had the money to go over there! So much to see!

    I just wish I had the money to go over there! So much to see!
  8. Urca

    Lol I just thought of you, considering saving up the money and going to london, problably just a...

    Lol I just thought of you, considering saving up the money and going to london, problably just a pipe dream, but I'd love to get tattooed out there and say cheerio to everyone on the street lol XD
  9. Urca

    Ever had this issue?

    Idk I never had this problem before, but I kept gasping for air and nothing helped, then my sister made me do what she does when she gets an asthma attack and cant breathe.
  10. Urca

    Ever had this issue?

    So I was smoking a few blunts yesterday with my sister and her bf, when I hit it, I coughed pretty hard, which is normal for me, but then no matter what I did, i couldnt catch my breath. I ended up having to put my hands on top of my head just to be able to inhale a deep breath. Kinda freaked me out
  11. Urca

    Just signed up for a community college education course

    Hye good for you for going back to school. I loved high school, but Im really enjoying college. Its like my eyelids and brains were just snapped open and Im learning so much, sometimes its a sensory overload
  12. Urca

    You got a valentine?

    Im bummed as fuck today. I always thought valentines day sucked so bad when I was alone and never did anything. But now that I care for someone, and only want to spend time with them today, make them feel good.... I havent heard from him in a while, plus, he'd never spend valentines day with...
  13. Urca

    my fiancee cheated on me.

    Im sorry that this has happened to you, that must really hurt. But at least you found out ahead of time, before your wedding. Girls like this piss me off. They dont respect the fact that they have a good guy, and its like a slap in the face to people like me, who cant get anyone. Its really...
  14. Urca

    What's up with texting anyway?

    I love talking on the phone, but lots of people dont like it, so they say lets just text
  15. Urca

    Australian Animal Cruelty has stopped me wanting to eat meat - COMPLETELY.

    I dont care. At all. Well, at least about the way they are killed, I have much much more of a problem with what they do to baby chickens and baby pigs. But will that stop me from eating the meat? No. Humans evolved to eat meat, it gives valuable protein, iron, and it helps keep a person full...
  16. Urca

    Witney Houston died

  17. Urca

    I Have Tons Of Bambu Flavored Papers

    Lol kuroi for valentines wanna send me some neato british smoking paraphenelia? Im sure you guys have weird things over there ;)
  18. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    Jail is not fun, if you were normal you'd understand that jail is not a joke, just ask anyone on this board who has been incarcerated
  19. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    Really? Because it was a class action lawsuit, brought in part so that Linda Brown would be able to go to a better, all white school closer to her home, nothing was illegal about it
  20. Urca

    Spring Break :D :D

    im so glad that jail will be full of cool, fun people. Its like the best of all worlds, including living with rapists and murderers and getting shanked for acting stupid, being raped for dominance, no pussy, shitty food that you dont have a choice in eating, holidays not spent with your family...