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  1. Urca


    lol i didnt take a shit and I was sitting there peeing and i fixed it
  2. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    lol yup........
  3. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    So Im planning my next tattoo and here are two ideas A) Mehndi Inspired Owl: If I do this Im gonna have the artist fix it up and put his own thing on it, this isn't quite as refined as I like B) Alphonse Mucha style woman: My only issue is if it's not executed right its gonna look bad...
  4. Urca


    aha id rather not, i just kinda created the thread cause i was home alone and had no one to vent to about how grossed out i was
  5. Urca


    they bribed me into making brownies, they had all taken 5 500mgs of vicodin, and I got to take one 500mg for the first time and smoke two blunts if I made dinner and brownies. needless to say I got fucked up but my sister couldnt handle it and puked everywhere, so all those little hardened...
  6. Urca


    Ok so i found out the truth. Not shit, but nearly as bad. it was stomach bile covered bits of brownie throwup that had hardened on my bath tub because my sister cant be bothered to clean her vicodin induced throw up
  7. Urca


    It could have been only one of three people. My sister, our friend Samantha, or our friend Joey. It had been there for a while, not even hot water could get it off alone, I had to use lysol
  8. Urca


    So today I go into my bathroom to do my business, and i move the shower curtain to re-arrange it.. and there are little chunks of HUMAN SHIT in my bath tub. Those were not there yesterday, or last night. I am absolutely disgusted and worked a way out to clean it using a super sized chopstick...
  9. Urca

    What happened? i was on yesterday when it went down...

    gah i want to like canna's post so bad...
  10. Urca

    Kinda shocked

    lol she wasnt pregnant or anything, i guess she loved him and then her parents told her she could marry him, so she did. I remember back when I was like 15 hanging out with them, they were telling me about all the girls they knew who were our age and had 25 year old bfs, and that they would...
  11. Urca

    Kinda shocked

    A friend of mine from high school, same age as me, told me that her little sister has been married for over a year and a half. The girl is like just about to be 18, so she got married at 16. Would you let your daughter get married that young? BTW, they're hmong so its socially acceptable for...
  12. Urca

    Like-like-like-like-like ...etc...

    I miss the likes, there's so much stuff I want to like, its irritating me
  13. Urca

    What would you put in your designated MJ smoking room?

    hmm in a perfect world, Id have a fridge stocked with lots of drinks, snacks, etc (but it'd be a place for everyone, not just me, so i wouldnt be eating it all) comfortable places to sit, and a wide variety of smoking peices. Then I'd have a shelf full of weed to choose from. A nice setup for...
  14. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    so? what does that have to do with this? troll. Im not ashamed, I was young
  15. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    no. find a quote where I mentioned a unit of states
  16. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    I never said that. I said the states were UNITED under the constitution
  17. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    Thanks for the best irony I have heard in a long long time. Coming from you... I think I got a new sig
  18. Urca

    I might not e nd up ever having to go to court

    Lol my h key gets stuck sometimes. Either way doesnt change my message
  19. Urca

    my fiancee cheated on me.

    How do you know they were fucking? It could have been just texts
  20. Urca

    Words, What the fuck.

    You're reading too much into it. Its not scary. Shit ever hear people refer to the "FAMILY UNIT"