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  1. nothingtodeclare

    Need Help!

    yes m8 would cool your rez down put some frozen water bottles in there you need few to keep a cycle going as they thaw out within hours regarding your ec going up i go by this Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH...
  2. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    yeah skunk its funny as i actually went in there to get the mono but they had none so the only other thing they had was nitrozyme,i suppose the good thing is with nitro is what eer your plant is doing at the time you introduce it you give it a boost so if its flowering it helps giving it a boost...
  3. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    i know what your saying skunk but these were yellowing real fast an in the space of a week lost about 60% of fan leaves, i knew the undergrowth would go due to not having enough light ph is stable 5.6,res temp is 19/20 degrees ppm 1300 ec 1.7 cab temp is 9o degrees a little hot but working on...
  4. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    in a house wow i live in bad area i am so gutted first my bike now my lady also no one gives a shit round here 2 people oer the road got burgled in broad daylight
  5. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    OMFG well i am out just gone out the back to have a smoke an some fucking knob head has run off with my plant the only day i put it outside an its gone no way i cannot belive it,i will find it as i know pretty much everyone in this area argggggggghhhhhhhh mother fucker i am so pissed
  6. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i did not know that thanks wow yeah i seen the upside down planters an thought it would be good but i was thinking what you just said how would you stop it curling upwards ,would a 600w on the floor not be enough to keep the branches to grow towards the light
  7. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    sounds good beansly i love compo's its all fun on the farm great learning plus a chance to win some freebies would be cool though if you could get some beans damn you riu,i got an idea for you how about an upsidedown grow i seen these tomato plants that grow upside down i dont think no one has...
  8. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    nice mystified she is comming on very well she looks lush plus rep
  9. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    she was a fem anyway so as long as she does not herm on me hopefully she will stay that way she is throwing out a few hairs but nothing much yet you can see in the first pic a couple of hairs not much but a couple
  10. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    yes mantiszn long old growing but i have otherphoto's that will be ready before so at least i wil be able to smoke something,she is coming on nicely she is throwing out a few hairs here an there nothing too much though according to the description this is the holy grail of auto's so will see, i...
  11. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i'm still here been doing a bit of training on her she is getting tall now but still a picture of health an me strapping down branches has not affected her growth here she is though still gonna be long time before i can smoke her, i am trying to make the branches stretch out sideways an the...
  12. nothingtodeclare

    600W Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze PICTURES.

    hey wow what are those smell proof bags like do they actually work was thinking of buying a couple,also last but not least well done on your op +rep
  13. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    creast m8 they are fuckin amazing m8 i having a bit of a prob i will post a pic to show you what i mean there slowly getting there but nothing like yours m8 i seem to have got a major n deff do not know how they just started going yellow really quick at first i thought i had a virus, checked...
  14. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    as beansly said mate those things grow massive m8 i actually grew these out as my first plant with some blueberry i got the thaixskunk as freebies from dope-seeds, an i shit you not frenchy my budbox tent was 2m tall an the top cola was bending in an arch at top of tent mate but the thing...
  15. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    damn that white dog looks funny its probably where i'm high as well but when i clicked the pic to make it big it looked at me as if to say what you looking at
  16. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    nice m8 how any weeks are you in flower now i forgot, i am 4 weeks into 12/12 but actually 2 1/2 weeks into actual flower i still got 7 weeks left but who know it may go quicker i hope so, frost i love frost you gonna have some real strong shit just dont get hungry an chop to quick its weird...
  17. nothingtodeclare

    Dr. Greenthumb's G13 RDWC Tree Grow

    subbed mad that is a very impressive i am looking at the dr's strains i just wish i had a friend i could get a cut from first to see what i would be up against before shedding all that paper out for just 2 beans, but yes man will be watching this thread like a hawk on a side note your pots with...
  18. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    creast m8 take your pics about 1 min before light comes on or about 2 mins after light go off that way you will get nice green pics trust mate an you wont mess there light schedule up due to its only 1 min but damn they are comming on nice, we both gonna be up in weed for a little bit,i am...
  19. nothingtodeclare

    Four Year Old Seeds - Worth Growing?

    as someone else said it should still be the same genetics an grow the same i did not think storage or anything else would alter its dna structure it will carry the same genetic traits from when it grown from the original parents
  20. nothingtodeclare

    Increasing Drying with Heat

    i found that if i dry my bud quickly it drasticly affects my overal yield ,so now its in cool dark place with about 30% humidity with slight breeze blowing across them those buds can take as long as they like, you will thank yourself you took the time to do it right another thing make sure it is...