This Is What I Use. This Is My Results


Active Member
nice creaster they are comming on well looks like another bumper harvest comming your way,just goes to show good genetics=good plants with great yields may they be dripping copius amounts resin to take you higher than button moon

kevin murphy

New Member
looking nice them lad defo keeping eye on this grow...
well here they are there 3 weeks flower birthday today,
there is so many heads you cannot see most of them as the leaves are in the way i keep tucking them down but they keep popping back up,

there getting frosty an stinky day by day,an its funny the ones all arouund the edge of the screen seem to be fatter than the ones directly under the hps hope you like em

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Well-Known Member
hi N.T.D
ty for that m8
you also have a great grow on your hands. best bit is ours girls are due around the same sort of time
trust me m8 we gunna be smoking so much gank :leaf:MJ:leaf: we gunna get called (:fire:blazin squad:fire:):lol::eyesmoke::sleep:

hi skunky
yh i didnt want to risk it m8 with the topping of the chronic.
im not gunna blow smoke up my arse or anyone elses by even thinking im ready to start fiddling like that with MJ "at the sec" :lol: as i would rather grow as i know and have that smoke rushing out my mouthbongsmiliewith what i hope is another good grows worth of the green stuff.
i just want to keep it as simple as i can coz i can be my own worse nightmare with the simplest of tasks
as you no with me stunting 2 of my plants in a wreck head moment lol
also feel free to post updates of your grow here m8 k
(shame i not got a chronic seed left over just to see how topping effects it)

ty for the post kev ;-)
i did take a look at ur grow and they look like there doing real good keep up the good grow
ill stop by ur thread again real soon for a full read ill post some comments along the way and you got +rep coming your way aswell m8 ;-)


Well-Known Member
hi all
my ladies are doing so good i can see such a big diffrence between my last grow with bag seed and this grow with proper genetics..
the buds are swelling so much over a short time the main cola's have doubled in size and they look as if a bag of suger has exploded all over the place..
the grow room makes me wet my pants each time i enter and when i come back out im like a little boy after getting sweet at the shop :D ..
they still got a good 4 and a half weeks left im gunna let them go right to the end this grow till there at there peak (yum yum)
i will get them pics but im using my batteries in mouse and keyboard at th sec soon as i get some ill take some good pics and share here
so check back for the bud porn ;)..


Well-Known Member
hi N.T.D
the pics are here :D still had a prob with blur for some reason my digi-cam likes to blur the pic im trying to take and focus on the background????
might just be a setting ive missed lol.. i might upload a couple of the blurry ones anyway but for now ive got some good ones hope you enjoy ;)

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Well-Known Member
this is the prob im having with the cam
ill go over the settings and try some more pics
if i get it sorted ill post some close ups of the bud

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Active Member
creast m8 take your pics about 1 min before light comes on or about 2 mins after light go off that way you will get nice green pics trust mate an you wont mess there light schedule up due to its only 1 min but damn they are comming on nice,
we both gonna be up in weed for a little bit,i am trying to think what i want to grow next,i brought some EML from porno seeds there suppose to be super cash crop,but i got some monster from eva seeds that i see some one grow,an there is another thread with soeone growing candykush in a waterfarm that is scrogged i just cannot make up my mind,
i dont want to do 4 diff strains i want to keep them all the same as 1 strain might hae to take more nutes that the other or vice versa migjht not be able to uptake nutes as the others why do they have to make so mant delicious looking plants curse you ganja gods,
but yes creaster m8 those are gonna be some fat looking girls plus rep if it lets me


Well-Known Member
hi N.T.D
i no m8 you all said the same about the light last time but my other light bulb blown
and i CBA to take it all apart to put another 1 in it :D

but i have got more pics some good shots of the bud give me 10 mins there be up ok
next time round ill try getting some true light shots for ya ok m8 ;)


Well-Known Member
hi all
here are some good shots of the bud
some are still a little blury but can see the amount of trics building up
so i uploaded them also hope you enjoy ;)

Photo0525.jpg Photo0534.jpg Photo0542.jpg Photo0531.jpg Photo0526.jpg Photo0523.jpg Photo0537.jpg


Active Member
nice m8 how any weeks are you in flower now i forgot, i am 4 weeks into 12/12 but actually 2 1/2 weeks into actual flower i still got 7 weeks left but who know it may go quicker i hope so,
frost i love frost you gonna have some real strong shit just dont get hungry an chop to quick its weird because even some of the stuff down the road not sprayed or nothing but its not strong strong as to when you harvest yours an then smoke that its gonna feel like its the strongest weed on earth loving your grow m8 nicely done


Well-Known Member
hi N.T.D
ty m8 im hoping its real strong :)
i lost my proper dates for the girls when i wiped my pc about 2 weeks ago :(
so ive had to work it out from memory and posts ive made on the thread
there between-----6w.3d / 7w.3d-----12/12-----minus 2 weeks
so just over 4/5 weeks of proper flowering so still got another 5/6 weeks left lmao

EDIT: the buds are real compact this grow gunna be great :D


Well-Known Member
hi all
i just checked the site i got my chronic seeds from
and it says that it flowers in 56-63 days
i make that 8/9 weeks... anyone here grown chronic b4 if so how long did you leave it to flower ty


Well-Known Member
k well it looks like im on my own as far as flowering dates go :D
ill leave them till 9 weeks but ill put some tric shots ups
and hope i get some guidance on when you all think there dun ;)
as for how long they been in flower im going with 5 weeks of flower
this sunday but already the hairs are starting to brown

im going to try to get some tric shots soon in true light just to see where im at


Well-Known Member
here the tric shot best i could get so hope its ok


P.S any updates on ur ladies N.T.D we waiting for that plant porn buddy ;)
cant wait to see how there comin on :D

hahaha lmao that sounds so wrong in the same sentence LADIES,PORN,AND COMIN ON dont hold it agaist me :lol:bongsmilie:lol:


Well-Known Member
hi all
5th week flower today...
things are looking good :) ive got some nice pics again some are a little blurry but most are good and all taken in natural light
hope you all enjoy ;)


kevin murphy

New Member
yea lad there lookin sikkk sikkk sikkk looking really nice..respect...


Active Member
This has been a very pleasant grow thread/read. Creaster, you are doing fantastic. Very nice looking plants.