This Is What I Use. This Is My Results


Well-Known Member
yh m8 whole set up only been used once
timers all set up re proged from 12hr light bk to 18hr light
i left it all to run for a night to warm up all was good
and seedlings were strong and rooting so i put them in wilma next day still all was good
then following morning thought i would go see how they doing and light was off and ballest/bulb was dead
managed to get hold of the guy i got it from on e-bay and even tho its been about 6 months since i got it from them they still said
they would replace any damaged parts if i send it bk. so thats why i asking anyone in the know if it was ballest or bulb as i got neither to test out to see what has blown

p.s did u find out what ur growing next skunky ;)


Well-Known Member
hi again all

thanxs to a good m8 of mine i managed to find out what the prob was
i was lent a bulb and a ballest tried the bulb first and still the same
so tried the 2nd ballest and all powered up my m8 said i could keep the ballest
till i get replacement in a week or 2 so now im happy coz if i wasnt lent the ballest i would of been right up shits creek
with £60 worth of seedling that would of been really light starved and would almost defo hermied when hit with the heat and light
so ty to all who posted with help and ty to my m8 who lent the bits to solve the prob you no who you are ;) and your a fucking star son ty again


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you sorted out your lighting issues, it's good you've got a mate to back you up too with lending you the ballast too. Stop by my jounal thread to see what I'm crackin atm bro, link in my sig.
Stay High!!


Well-Known Member
hi all
a quick update on where i am right now been 34 days from seed
my auto short stuff mi5 top right pot looks abit week and also the chronic under it looks week
but the other 3 chronic plats are doing great
i did start with 6 fem chronic but 2 had streched so much that they bent and snaped (noob mistake :sad:)
so i planted 1 auto mi5 just to see what it was like and to fill a pot :-P
got my new ballest about a week ago and my set up is running once again on top gas :weed:

all comments welcome :-P



Well-Known Member
hi skunky ;)
yh m8 its not coz of water/nutes
them looking week was down to me being a mug. i uprooted the auto and one chronic so i had the 4 chronics at the bottom.
you can see this above in pic 3 b4 i uproot and pic 4 after (again noob mistake)
i rushed into it rather than using my brain. i should of just switched pots round lmao. most likly wreked at the time you no how it is lol
but its a mistake that i will learn from and im hoping there just in shock and they pick up again
ty for the post m8 ive not been on here for a while so im heading to ur grow now to see how you doing ;)
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Well-Known Member
i hear 58 farenheit is ideal resevoir temp(which is cool), it helps keep the max amount of oxygen in the water, hope this helps.

lovely first harvest + rep.

also i would like some more pics or info on the wilmas, i hear good things, got any more pics of your set up?


Well-Known Member
hi ghb ty for the post m8 ;)
as for wilma's i got nothing but great things to say about them i started with the 4 pot with great results
then upgraded to the 8 pot. let me no what you need in the way of info and ill do my best to answer
as for the pics of my set up ill post some here in about 25 mins for you ok

p.s ty for info on temp and the +rep ;)


Well-Known Member
my 8pot wilma set up asked for by GHB
hope this helped m8

the 1st pic is of 2 pumps. the pump on the left pumps air into and circulates the water this pump was bought for the set up.
the pump on the right is the standard pump you get with the 8 pot system


the 2nd pic is the standard pump. this delivers the water/nutes up to the main water tube


the 3rd pic is of the main water tube that runs to the back of the system on the top tray in the middle of the 4 pots on the left and on the right.
on this main tube there is 8 tiny nipple's that you connect to the 8 black feeding tubes


the 4th pic is the feeding tubes bent to the corresponding pots that are then connected to a fast flow arrow or a dripper arrow (both arrow feeders come with the wilma in the 4 pot and the 8 pot system)


the 5th pic is of the fast feeder arrow pushed into the end of the feeder tube so it can be staked into your medium
to deliver your water/nutes .the water and nutes then drain through the medium out the bottom of the pots and back into the res
to start all over again ;)


the 6th pic is of my auto mi5 and my chronic plant (auto top right and under top right is chronic)
the 2 that where weak have started to bounce back so ill keep you all posted with there recovery



Well-Known Member
hi skunky ;)
yh m8 its not coz of water/nutes
them looking week was down to me being a mug. i uprooted the auto and one chronic so i had the 4 chronics at the bottom.
you can see this above in pic 3 b4 i uproot and pic 4 after (again noob mistake)
i rushed into it rather than using my brain. i should of just switched pots round lmao. most likly wreked at the time you no how it is lol
but its a mistake that i will learn from and im hoping there just in shock and they pick up again
ty for the post m8 ive not been on here for a while so im heading to ur grow now to see how you doing ;)
D'oh!! lol, I know how that can be mate I've made loads of silly errors along the way this last 5 years even while getting help from a mate I was growing for at the time ~ Feeding too much too early esp with flower additives and such, and leaving timers on 24hr when they should be on flower cycle and have been in for 3 weeks is my biggest phuckk up to date lol I wont ever be makin that mistake again. But thats how it goes when your just starting out mate and I now "try" to not do any grow "work" while being too baked too these days as mistakes can also be very costly too.
Stay safe :leaf::peace:


Well-Known Member
i'm getting the wilma set up for sure, i grow in beds and find it hard to water the plants at the back, that seems perfect for me, thnaks for the pics and descriptions.
am i right in thinking that it is basically a tank of nutes with a pump in that automatically feeds the pots when you want them to? and would they work in beds not pots?, also can you take the plants out of the tent and put them back whenever you want?.


Well-Known Member
hi again GHB
as far as i know m8 you can use it with slabs of medium but ive only ever used the wilma's with pots
and yes its a very simple set up that gives top results. it is just a water/nute ress a top tray and 8 pots with the main pump doing all the hard work to feed the medium and plants as and when you set timers.
yes you can take the pots out at any time with or without plants in i mean i have never dun this but if you got the room for 2 wilma be it the 4/8 pot they work so well in a perpetual grow set up
glad it helped m8 let me no when you get urs set up ;)


Well-Known Member
hi skunky m8 ;)
YUP!!!! we stoners do some real dumb s*"t some times lol
so yh i think ill do the same from now on if im baked ill be staying away from the ladies
so im sound in mind or at least in controll of my actions hahaha

p.s ty for the post skunky/ghb


Well-Known Member
i still have a few weeks left til i empty my tent, i will be getting a wilma set up in there for the next run for sure, thanks for the info mate.


Active Member
hi creaster i did not even notice you started thread back up there looking great btw,how is that mi5 going its it shooting pistols out yet ??? i got a g13 labs auto white russian i got as a freebie from tude's birthday promo it was planted only 2weeks ago it is only 6" high an its already flowering it started shooting hairs after just 10 days, now i know its gonna b a shit yielder but you never know the quality could be mind blowing, i gonna sub to this m8 or if you scroll down on the forum page to grow journal's you could start your thread in there,i gonna do my flip in about 2 weeks ive done a screen aint i, some. brainiac idea i had i started it weaving branches in an out zip tying them down now i thinking was it a good idea or not,time will tell i will post some pics soon so you can see i probably do it when i do the flip as there nearly finnished veggy just got a few more holes to fill an i post it up,
as allways i will try to help out or whatever i can but you prob dont need it anymore as soon as you get the first op out the way youv'e pretty much covered all your bases,oh an i'll tag along you must of been a some sort of horticultrist in your previous life because you deff got them green fingers + rep 4 u an a sub,chair/popcorn pre'roll an i;m set for the show cant wait for the results when mine are done i will bring you sample over m8 peace


Well-Known Member
hi NTD ;)

nice to see you posting again m8. ill look for the pistols on my auto 2mo m8 see if i can get some pics.
that white russian should be the nuts m8 ;) cant wait to try it.
GL with the grow waiting for you to flip the lights well want to see your plant porn ;)

P.S chronics should be ready for cloning soon .... good times good times lol
ty for the post buddy


Well-Known Member
hi all
will be posting new pics of chronic plants 2mo there 3 weeks into flower and there massive
check back then to view


Well-Known Member
ill be posting soon ive lost my micro sd card lol
be uploaded in 10 mins

edit!! kk i got card pics on way :D