This Is What I Use. This Is My Results


Well-Known Member
hi all

this is my first EVER smoke report for the finished product (so be kind)
i let it dry for 5 days as a whole plant. i then cut it into cola's/buds then put in cure jars , back in open air on drying rack ,cure jars, back in open air on drying rack etc....
till it was just about ready for grinder (it still clumped up) so i left in open air for couple hrs in front of fan and was ready to smoke
i did rush the cure but as it was first grow i just wanted to get high off my own S%*T
the buds were not all fully grown as i cut it down over a week early (ill stick it out next grow)
but i still got a good 4OZ dry from this girl (3--1/2 oz in main cola's) and ( 1/2 oz of little pop corn buds)
the taste is not like the smell??? more of a nice deep musty taste
and the high is not so much of a couch look more of a body relaxing high that makes you very relaxed with a nice warm headed buzz
overall im very happy with the end result
cheers all hope this was ok for a report


Well-Known Member
Nice one Creaster, I'm tokin on my OG18Skunk atm. There's nothing more as satisfying as smokin your own Bud IMO mate. Anyways first 1 down many to go, I'll be lookin forwards to see how you get on next time, let me know when you start a journal here too Bro'.
All the best mate & Enjoy!! :eyesmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice one Creaster, I'm tokin on my OG18Skunk atm. There's nothing more as satisfying as smokin your own Bud IMO mate.
ill second that m8.. was nice to know i had my own bud to smoke
hope you enjoying ur smoke m8 nice plant to toak on ;)

im hoping my next grow is super good as ill be growing chronic from fem seeds so lets hope my bit of experience comes into play and i get no hermies

about to start work in my grow space so pics of that and new grow to be posted here in due time GL all

P.S love the new AVITAR skunky ;)


Well-Known Member
hi all

ive just started work on grow room
gutted it got the inlet/outlet sorted in brick work
washed the room out and put up B&W panda film
sealed most the room off but had to stop as i ran out off duct tape lol
here is were im at so far


Well-Known Member
hi skunky ;)

ill be running 1 light 600w hps but ill only be using 6 pots out of the 8

p.s ty for the link on my profile page m8 epic grow ;)


Well-Known Member
hi all
the room is finished:clap:

just got to tidy wires / go over the brown tape with duct tape / and put in my fan and 8 pot



Well-Known Member
also my 6 fem chronic seeds arived with a free gift:clap::-P
the free gift was a pack of 5 reg autoflower short stuff mi5's:leaf::weed::leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
funny as skunky ;)

just an update i didnt no if i should carry on with this thread or start another
if anyone can help in how i can make this thread a journal plz let me no ty:clap:
i planted my 6 FEM :leaf:CHRONIC:leaf: serious seeds on the 24th of feb
i didnt germ them in paper towels like i did last time or soak in plastic party cup
all i dun was plant them straight in root riot cubes and let nature do its job:hump:
they took 3 and 1/2 days to surface and 1 and 1/2 days to get the size they are now
im really looking forward to this grow and will be updating as regular as last grow
so hope you all follow the thread :peace:


p.s i use a bionaire heater/fan to keep propagation tank at 28°C as it auto heats if tank drops under 28°C and auto cools if it go over but now that they are growing real nice like,, should the temp be lowered or is this ok


Well-Known Member
Maybe ask the moderators if they can switch the place of the thread or just start a new one mate, as for your grow area temps I try to stick to these ~ for veggin plants are best between 22C-26C, for flower between 25C-29C.


Well-Known Member
hi all

i went in grow room to find light was off thought it was the bulb at first but it looks fine??

so i looked at the ballest it doing nothing not warming up (COLD TO THE TOUCH)
bulb dont even come on or flicker it just dead any help would be great


Well-Known Member
hi all

i went in grow room to find light was off thought it was the bulb at first but it looks fine??

so i looked at the ballest it doing nothing not warming up (COLD TO THE TOUCH)
bulb dont even come on or flicker it just dead any help would be great
Is your timer set up right mate??