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  1. H

    Have you noticed the buds smell less when dried in tent with carbon filter?

    Yes the bud will smell good but something about it seemed to overpower the way it would smell naturally. I used it on a couple of skunky plants and it turned them totally sweet and lost the nice sour that it had
  2. H

    Well Water Test Results

    Only 280 tds, not bad. I want to get mine tested, how much was it?
  3. H

    Plant issues in flower
  4. H

    Should I just throw this out?

    Next time look into washing it after you cut it down, there are a lot of threads here about it. I wish i had known about it sooner myself
  5. H

    Reoccurring issues seems it could go either way! what are those little white dots though
  6. H

    Have you noticed the buds smell less when dried in tent with carbon filter?

    They probably use something like bud candy which made everything of mine smell the same, never used it again
  7. H

    New grow room. No more tent.

    He's probably not running them at full speed. I almost went with 8" fans because they would move more air at a lower speed while also being quieter. An 8" at 20% speed would be a hell of a lot quieter than a 6" at 50%
  8. H

    Wide ring dripper. Small rootit cubes?

    yes you have to top water until the roots grow out to the rings
  9. H

    How to setup a drain for 2x2 flood table?

    you probably only need 1/4" or 1/2" slope
  10. H

    Air Direction of Case Fan Old LED

    I too would say use noctua fans, they're made for this. they last like 150,000 hours and they would plug right into those plugs the old fan used
  11. H

    Defoliation needed?

    600w hps and its like 16" away from the tallest plant, 20" from the rest
  12. H

    Defoliation needed?

    So anything under my support ring can probably be trimmed you mean? I am scrogging in a way as i did the manifold thing, just no net needed yet
  13. H


    In that system couldnt you just leave the pump on continuously? You need to water more than 1x per day with pots that small
  14. H

    Give milk to my plant?

    I'd say the only thing that the plant and microbes wouldn't use is the fat, so just buy skim milk. It's cheaper than the fatty milks anyway!
  15. H

    Defoliation needed?

    I see a lot of people saying they trim the first week of flower but idk what I'm supposed to trim here
  16. H

    My first indoor grow....any suggestions?

    my 600w under a parabolic reflector seems to be working pretty well so far for a 4x4, the edges aren't suffering
  17. H

    My first indoor grow....any suggestions?

    yeah two 600w would be enough for the whole room, thats my plan too
  18. H

    Back in the saddle

    That's only 2.5 ml which is a pretty low dose to begin with, its probably right. i start feeding my seedlings the same after about 10 days but i grow in peat or coco and theres no nutes already. i think happy frog has starter nutrients in it, maybe start here with that messing with it less this...
  19. H

    Should I flip in a week or two?

    I just flipped 2-3 days ago and ones already grown that much haha
  20. H

    Best compromise between temperature and light power?

    I think the temp is fine. This stuff grows wild in afghanistan, mexico, colombia, you have to think it gets hotter than 86 degrees there lol