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  1. H

    When to increase lights from 250w to 400w

    I also think you can go right to 600w. I had my 600w dimmed to 400 without knowing for a couple weeks in veg and turning it back to 600 boosted growth for sure
  2. H

    Buffering, but not rinsing coco?

    I might think that the tiny fibers could get down into your leech field and start plugging the holes to drain off your excess water. Hair can do the same thing.
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    Yellowing leaf tips on young plant

    do you water to runoff? salts can build up quick in coco
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    a lot of people on here say hermie sacs are often sterile, idk if that means they dont make seeds or what but i'd just carefully remove it asap with a razor blade or something
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    Vent through attic into soffit

    i agree with kingpepper, just install a real vent end and be done with it. a pop-out dryer or bathroom vent might work nice but idk if the damp air would rust the spring quicker...
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    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    SD is a hybrid strain so bananas are always a possibility, just cut that off and keep it going. They look pretty frosty already, mine have no crystals at all yet but that could be because I have a cheap bulb
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    Experiment 2 for year uk

    u wot mate?
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    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    its hard to say because each plant has been a bit different, only one of mine is over 3 ft tall right now and the other 3 are closer to 2 feet
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    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    Get ready for some stretch, mine have doubled in size since starting flowering and still going lol
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    Clone stem turning to mush?

    perhaps this is why they say over 30 degrees of temp change in 24 hr is a bad thing
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    Glass on LEDs?

    maybe it stops the plants from touching them and burning both the plant and led?
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    What to do? Need some expert advice.

    its fine, the stem and roots just aren't strong yet so they can fall over like that
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    co2 enrichment by coleman camp fuel in lantern

    put some concrete board like used in bathrooms behind and around the generator, it doesn't burn
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    Seedlings with yellowish stains

    yeah it could be too much light. how far are the seedlings from the light?
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    Have you noticed the buds smell less when dried in tent with carbon filter?

    I see you're using AN. Did you use bud candy? In the past it has completely changed how my plants smelled
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    thai sativa outdoor: white dots on top of leaves and black dots under

    aphids or spider mites, most likely the mites
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    PGR Weed

    Have you ever seen the movie Goodburger?
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    PGR Weed

    You're supposed to compete with quality. You'll never make a burger as cheap as mcdonald's but surely you can make one that tastes better?
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    Dtw siphoning issue

    Something like this tee'd up from this area??
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    Sock drying rack

    I've seen these before and didn't know what they were called, thanks for identifying lol