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  1. H

    How often can I add seaweed extract to water teens in soil?

    Have you tried reading the bottle?
  2. H

    Mainline help please

    I went the manifold way instead of mainlining and I kept those and theyre my tallest branches right now
  3. H

    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    thanks its my first grow since 2013 lol
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    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    i got the idea from other scrogs, this way i can move it around and check everything out without working through a net. They were only $12 for 5 on amazon
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    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    mines exploding now, just hope its female lol
  6. H

    Miracle grow and the evidence ,big full stop .

    what is the nitrogen claw? i have a couple of fan leaves that look like the ones on your right plant on the lower. My soil isn't hot but my nutes might have been too high at one point
  7. H

    Foam in the reservoir

    I think the roots look okay, these guys just have never used Diamond nectar before because anything with leonardite will stain your roots brown like that.
  8. H

    Wagner sprayer

    that sounds interesting. what research do you need? go buy one and try it out lol
  9. H

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Some say the beneficial bacteria are more helpful for short term plants like this, like bacillus subtilis and trichoderma
  10. H

    Three node sites?! Anyone seen this before?

    unstable genetics triggered by the stress of the crop? i have a fan leaf on one plant with 7 parts instead of 5 lol
  11. H

    Should I prune buds not getting any light? wk5 flwr

    You could try tying the leaves so those buds get more light? They're not that far from the tops
  12. H

    Purple branches? What should I do?

    you could put them in the 3 gallons with ocean forest now and any deficiency would be sorted out soon lol
  13. H

    HELP! Y is everyone dying?

    I think you could use more perlite in the soil because the drooping down of the leaves makes me think the roots are drowning and need more oxygen. Usually a minimum of 30% perlite, but the pots surrounding your pot you can see a lot more of it on top so maybe just that one didnt get enough. also...
  14. H

    Did I just ruin it all :(

    yeah thats why they sell peat pots and stuff like that you can just tear off the pot in pieces and transplant the plant and soil. keeping the old soil helps keep the roots spaced so theyre not squished together when you stick it in a new hole
  15. H

    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    I'm waiting for two slower growers in the back to get to where they need to be and they'll probably only end up wiht 8 colas while these front 2 will have 16 because they grow so much faster. I also want to take some clones too before flower so I can keep whoever produces the best going
  16. H

    1st Time Grower Grow - Sour Diesel

    this is mine, im manifolding it but probably also flowering in another week or two
  17. H

    Anyone know what’s up with these babies before I jump out my window

    But he's growing in coco and even fully saturated coco allows enough oxygen in the root zone that you shouldn't be able to overwater it
  18. H

    Black dot on fan leaf?

    Is this the start of anything? Closest thing I can find like it is black spot fungus I think, do I chop this leaf off?
  19. H

    Kashi gone bad? Went from awesome to green funk in last 2 days. Preparing for fungal tea input.

    It looks like you didnt aerate the tea and it became anaerobic and now non beneficial microbes have taken over. there are many stickies about this topic in this fourm. I could also be wrong because I don't often brew teas but I know that looks scary to me lol