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  1. fishindog

    feeling faded - a journal

    wow fdd those are looking delicious!
  2. fishindog

    4x4-1000W ElxGangaxMan's Tent Grow

    looking great man!
  3. fishindog

    Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

    keep up the good work jig bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  4. fishindog

    The Fab 5! DNA Genetics

    looking great man!
  5. fishindog

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    subscribed man!!!
  6. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    looking great ras! nice work yet it
  7. fishindog

    feeling faded - a journal

    looking awesome fdd
  8. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    hey ras do you trim any big fan leaves at all?
  9. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    looking gorgeous ras...
  10. fishindog

    Help with my grow box

    Look at the link in my signature that says rubbermaid on it and start from page 1...should help you out bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  11. fishindog

    Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

    ya i agree jig=pro bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  12. fishindog

    The Fab 5! DNA Genetics

    subscribed man...
  13. fishindog

    Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

    I was just looking at these the other day at the homedepot...they looked perfect but they were like $7 a piece so i said screw it...
  14. fishindog

    Homemade Flower Cabinet

    i used bazooka when i did it...just use whatever flavor/kind you want your weed to kinda taste like
  15. fishindog

    The hell is this?

    what doesnt kill ya makes ya stronger bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  16. fishindog

    Need HELP fox farm nute question?????

    Thanks again doc, and ya Im gunna give it a whirl and hope for the best bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  17. fishindog

    Homemade Flower Cabinet

    I've used gum before too, did a good job and reminded me of that bazooka gum when I smoked it bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  18. fishindog

    Need HELP fox farm nute question?????

  19. fishindog

    Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

    pulling up my chair jig, looking good man