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  1. fishindog

    Need HELP fox farm nute question?????

    hey doc thanks for the reply, that makes sense that thats what the hydro nutes just starting to get into the whole hydro scene.....the 5 gallon bucket setup im going to do is just gunna be a trial run, would it even be worth it to try the soil nutes, if it doesnt turn out perfect I...
  2. fishindog

    Need HELP fox farm nute question?????

    ok so I was wondering if I can use my fox farm soil nutrients for a bubble ponics setup in a 5 gallon bucket. I know that fox farm has soil and hydro nutes, but what is the difference? Would I have to use the nutes at half strength and go up from there if they seem to work? Any help would be...
  3. fishindog

    Homemade Flower Cabinet

    SL2 nice work man I love how it turned out....what size light are you using? and how long did you flower for? Sorry I didnt read the whole thread....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  4. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    im excitied for the jedi ras bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  5. fishindog

    16 clones 600w HPS in soil

  6. fishindog

    4x4-1000W ElxGangaxMan's Tent Grow

    ya I would probably switch them soon, how tall are the plants right now? you should expect the plants to double if not triple in size when you flip that switch....what kind of nutes are you using?
  7. fishindog

    DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...

    Me too bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  8. fishindog

    DWC, 32 gal. bubbleponics

    lets see some pics of your 32gallon setup
  9. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    Ras man im lovin how things look....especially that air pot, i cant wait to see how that thing works....congrats man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  10. fishindog

    Boomer's 2400w Sour Grape GrowOp w/ ScrOG & CO2

    good luck on getting your breaker upgraded....Im excited to see your new setup when all is said and done bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  11. fishindog

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    Dutch Passion
  12. fishindog

    Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

    Cool cool...ya i cant wait to see how those work, maybe the roots will grow out of it all crazy and look all cool bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  13. fishindog

    Party Cup Competition

    Oops my bad...thanks
  14. fishindog

    Odd phenom? Or What?

  15. fishindog

    Party Cup Competition

    lets see some pics....ive gone back like 5 pages and have only seen a couple pics
  16. fishindog

    feeling faded - a journal

    getting nice and big...cant wait to see how big they get
  17. fishindog

    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    very nice harvest....I am thinking about doing an ebb and flow setup sometime here hopefully sooner then later...awesome grow man
  18. fishindog

    Wecome to the jungle

    hell ya, cant wait to watch them flower...flipping the switch is my favorite part bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  19. fishindog

    JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

    Jig man awesome grow....I really like how that vertical scrog turned out. Are you planning on doing it again next grow?