The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
You used mg moisture control right? I cant remember which one is in the blue pot but i think those are looking the best. Leaves are fucking giants.
ya thats the sleestack, everyone else whos growing these seeds seems to think its the strongest cross-breed...:weed:


Well-Known Member
fuzzy i hear what ur saying.. its just my situation doesnt allow me to veg for long periods of time.. believe me dude, i wish i could veg for like 3 months its just not possible in my little closet trying to stay under the radar in my small 400 sq foot apartment building.. Believe me when im out of this place and in a more secure location, I will veg for 3 months with no problem.. just not an options here... I just want them in and out a.s.a.p. ... plus remember how tall they were last time? The biggest one is already 2 feet.. if that triples im fucked... I will start next week after i get some ffof and new pots.. dude believe me i apprecite your concern and really have thought about it.. I appeciate the advice! You have been helping me since the begining! :)

Thanks alot Norma! :) Ill try to keep it up..


Well-Known Member
believe me if you saw my apartment ud understand.. plus im on financial aid and if i get busted im FUCKED my school costs $35,000 a year.. and i dont pay a penny for it..


Well-Known Member
and i aint goin no where, i could dig it! ur in a DAMN APPT!!!!! DAMN ur fukin NUTS dood!!;-)
lmfao.. i live in the hood too.. every other car is a cop. and im not exagerating. Jump out boys, helicopters, blue light cameras, everything...

Last time I was flowering EVERY single person who came into my condo building's hallways could smell pot... My landlord has one of her best friends above me. My ceilings are paper thin and my nieghbors have complained on MULTIPLE times about buzzing from my fans running, I tell em its my fan but they are conviced its an eletrical problem.. and thats only to get started.. ahhh Fuzzy, its gotta be nice to be legal......;-)


Well-Known Member
i have my shit set on private.. only registered users can see it... but i took part out..


Well-Known Member
Those muthfuchas are gonna stink! That skunk #1 is just that, SKUNK! Condo in the hood?
lmfao, dude thats what im worried about. Im getting the carbon filter from my cousin on Easter plus im gonna get ONA gel.. gotta play this shit safe, its #1 priority but sometimes i forget that shit :roll:


Well-Known Member
I just gave up on my Ona bucket last Tues. Im in a cold basement, sealed room. Stanky up stairs! Had to get a CanFan33. $225. Well worth it tho. No more searchin 'low-odor' strains. Youll be happy with it....


Well-Known Member
well fuzzy, i think ull be happy to know i only vegged 19 days last time.. so its still 2 weeks longer than last time......

These girls have been growing like crazy for the past few days.. :weed: I seemed to fix the yellowing problem too...




Well-Known Member
sorry guys camera's being a bitch.. cant seem to get good pics... ill get some in a few days! :) They're looking nice though :)