The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
Fan making stems stronger is one of those myths that won't die,,,,

It doesn't :bigjoint:

Aiming it at the light is best way to go, circulates air and keeps temps down

also best if fan is low blowing up
its no MYTH!! LOL. :lol:
it really DOES strengthen the stem, but only wen they r YOUNG seedlings.

FUZZY!! U froze my phone with ur 'RIU biggest thread' post! :)


Well-Known Member
Fuzzys bathroom. FO SHO! Ill let u know for sure, when I crash at his pad for the San Fran Cannibis Cup:):)


Well-Known Member
wake up and walk in to J hugging the blue widow.

shit we might have to get a hotel before too!;-)

JN, got sum xtra cash to throw around to go? tickets r only 24 bucks fer both days.

cow palace in san fransico, its not the cannibus cup, its the cannibus EXPO! but there will be on-site consumption at cow palace.


Well-Known Member
damn dude, Id seriously love to take u up on that but I got school... I dunno what my schedules gonna look like then.. :(


Well-Known Member
its cool! probably even better if u aint been and ur goin to go THROO the whole shit to go with. throo LA to fresno area up to oakland and on to SF!

its gunna be a MOB, but a fun one at that. i ve driven it before to pick up thizz out in oakland, its ok tho.


Well-Known Member
Id like to go, but my MMJ card isnt valid in Cali. Im sure the cops aint gonna do shot anyway. $5 tix?ha


Well-Known Member
fuzzy, you reffering me to ppl now, lmfao... I get ppl pming me non stop for help already...


Well-Known Member
LoL, u know the topic of wat he was on.:blsmoke::lol:

yea, ur not alone.

we are all on here fer a good 10-16 hours a day....or i am. lol


Well-Known Member
nah its cool. Im on here WAY too much..... It will change once it gets nice out though :)
either that or if i actually start working again :(


Well-Known Member
this girl im currently fucking has 4 jobs, goes to school full time, and has an internship.. All I do is smoke weed, live off the goverment, go on RIU, play xbox, and occasionally go to class.. fuck im a bum...