Old Genetics Have Been Found by Non-Grower!!

What should be done with these 14+ year old well preserved seeds?

  • Throw them away?

  • Give them away? If so, to who?

  • Float them all in a bunch of helium ballons?

  • Roast them and use in my salads?

  • Grow them? (Won't Happen)

  • Drive to a legal state and give to a dispensary? Is this Legal? (Not Likely to happen)

  • Mail them to legal state dispensary? Is this legal?

  • Other?

  • Other? Other?

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The Redman Skunk is the only one I couldn't find currently available. Somebody might find one that interesting. The description is Thai x Sk1 bx Thai. Not particularly exotic, because you could get both Thai and Sk1 and breed them yourself, but they did do an extra step of backcrossing so that's some extra value. Redman Skunk is a cool name, so might be worth breeding some seeds. Doubt anyone else has it these days.

BTW that page with the description says in one post that it looks more like Skunk than Thai, so that's probably good. Thai's are usually pretty stretchy and thin buds. Grow em out and see what it's like. Choose the best looking phenos for breeding, is what I would suggest. In those days most seeds may have been all regular non-feminized. Notice that none of the packs say feminized. Maybe some of those strains are only sold as feminized now so the seeds might be of value to breeders wanting male plants for pollen. Green house won't sell nobody reg WW seeds.

One of the packs are Arjan WW. I think only Greenhouse Seeds has that version and they only sell fem seeds now. You may be the only dude around with regular Arjan WW seeds from which males could be obtained. That one right there is probably worth a bundle to somebody. Those ones may be worth more than all the rest combined. In the pic it say WW MJG. What's MJG?
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Saving them for another twenty years would be awesome .keep the genetics seed companies sell mainly feminized seeds now. plus Monsanto is making GMO cannabis so the more older stuff saved the better.
You usually can't get in trouble if you Gift them away, then just expect a gift back but hopefully this can be verified since I am kind of guessing. I had seeds in a fridge last a long time many years, my state is now legal to grow for personal use but at a federal level I would think by now no one would really care but you never can be to sure. I see USA based seed companies say the sale is for novelty use only.

Sorry to here this about your farther.
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I'd be more interested in the bag seeds, not to say the others aren't good but jeez to get access to seeds an old timer thought enough of to save that'd be cool, could be crosses he made, could be long lost "favorite weed" that may never exist again outside that bag, to me that's the gold, but I'm just that way, to me "elite clone only" is a fancy way of saying"sloppy seconds". For me the fun is in the find! Sorry for your loss, my vote is donate them to a veteran based mmj collective or charity of some sort, someone who'll grow em at least
Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself. I been lurking around these forums since around 2012. Married, Mother of 4 and full-time homemaker. My primary hobby, other then my children, is breeding Bearded Dragons. For this reason my green thumb has become very green over the years, as Bearded Dragons eat tons of fresh greens, fruits and other vegetables. I have learned that growing hydroponically will yield me much better quality then what you can find at the local super markets. I have NEVER grown cannabis and have NO desire to, besides the fact it is completely illegal around here. The reason that I signed up to Rollitup, is simply because whenever I am doing a online search for my hydroponic garden, I always seem to end up on this site for the answers. The RIU community is a wealth of information for all kinds of gardens, regardless of the type of plant you are growing. I have nothing against people using Marijuana medically or for recreation but with my kids, life style and various other reasons, its just not something I partake in at this time but I have in the past.

With that being said, I think I may have stumbled onto something that would be considered quite amazing on RIU. Although what I have found might or might not be amazing, the circumstances to how I come upon these is a very sad subject for me but I will share anyway.

Early in 2006 I get a call from my brother telling me my Father has just been rushed to the hospital from a heart attack. I rush to the hospital to find my Father stabilized but very weak in ICU. After a very extended stay in the hospital he was released but no longer the man I knew. Upon seeing me for the 1st time after he woke up he didn't know who I was, where he was or even why he was there. Amazingly though he knew who every one of his grandchildren were but it was more then obvious at the time that Dad was going to need additional care. Because of his heart attack he had severe oxygen depletion to his brain that caused irreversible brain damage. After discussing the options with my brother, we decided that he was going to have to be placed in a nursing home because of the need for 24/7 medical care.

My father continued to decline over the next decade and earlier this year a severe heart attack took my Father away from us. Being a DaddysGirl I took it pretty hard. The Will was quite simple, my brother got the "Mint" 1967 Corvette, the guns and 50% of the money. I got the house along with the furnishings. During the time in witch my Father stayed in the Nursing Home, the utilities were automatically paid from his Social Security and Military Pension, witch in turn kept the appliances in the home powered, including the refrigerator, in hopes that my Father may recover enough to go home. He wanted it this way and we didn't see any reason to have the utilities shut off while the house set vacant for a decade.

Well it has been three months since we had to bury my Father and I finally got up the nerve to start going through his belongings. Most of the food in the refrigerator was cleared out years ago but as I opened up one of the compartments in the door of the refrigerator, I came across this metal tin box. I look inside the box and there is another tin that was vacuum sealed, I tear open the vacuum seal and remove the tin and find a little piece of paper with a list of weird labels, some I recognize most I don't. Under the list it was filled with dissent packs and little packages of seeds, along with one large zip-lock bag that has at least 800 seeds in it that I assume are probably just bag seeds. I took one seed out of the zip-lock bag and pitched it into a glass of tap water to see if it would germinate. About 4 days later it cracked open and a tiny tap root popped out, I threw it away but it served its purpose. They all appear to be in perfect condition. I layed them all out on the floor and snapped some pictures, then put them back in the tin(s) and double bagged them with zip-lock bags and placed them back in the refrigerator.

The funny thing is, I had no idea that my Father had anything to do with Marijuana. I was quite shocked in fact to find this in his refrigerator. I asked my Brother about them and he did not know anything about them or that Dad was ever involved in Marijuana. My brother didn't want them and his suggestion is to throw them away.

Now for my questions.

What do I do with them?

How much is something like this worth as a complete package or individual?

I would like to get them into the hands of reputable growers/breeders that could use these genetics. I don't know much about these seeds. I can not find information online for a couple of them.

Anyone have information on the more exotic ones? (Graperella for example)

Is there even any genetics in the list that is worth preserving?

What I do know for sure about them is that they have been sealed, in the refrigerator since at least late 2006. A couple of the packages are dated with the year 2003, so I am assuming they all are at least 14 years old, with many probably being much older then that.

I don't want to just throw away potentially hard to acquire or lost genetics. I haven't brought them home and I don't want to get in trouble for selling them.

So, what do I do? Any and all recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you.

Each contains 5-15 seeds, 29 packs total, a few are not pictured because my husband had a few in his hand looking them up online when I was taking photos. This is the list as it was printed. I have no idea how accurate the list is, it is printed in my Fathers hand writing but it appears to match the labels on the packages.

Black Berry
Blue Creeper
DNA Lemon Skunk
Early Skunk
Happy Skunk
Hash Plant X Jack Herer (Femenised)
Hindu Kush
Ice Queen
Jack Herer
Malawi Gold
New York City Diesel
Northern Bright
Oxacan Sativa
Panama Red
Poke Kush X Amsterdamn Flame
Pok Kush X Citral 3
Pok Kush X Black Domina
Pok Kush X Nebula
Redman Skunk
Skunk #1
Snow Queen Thank You
South African Skunk X Durban
Super Impact
Very Berry X G13
White Widow (Arjan)
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so you reincarnate your sleeper sock with the hopes of selling seeds and spamming the politics section with your nazi crap?
