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  1. A

    Hydro setup

    Fort Mac? I was born and raised in Alta. Sounds very similar to myself in regards to hobbies and did the single dad thing once my daughter hit 12 we split after 18 yrs. Married for the first time 3 yrs ago after an 8 yr go. Daughter just moved back home to go back to university. I am an avid...
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    Hydro setup

    It's not so much about papers as it is about having an instructor who can answer your questions directly. Learning the theory's, processes, laws etc. is one thing but putting them into practice is another. I find once i start reading on one subject it opens up a lot more questions on others so...
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    Hydro setup

    I'm a high school drop. Had a child young and started working to support a family. But I always enjoyed learning and spend my free time soaking up info and reading over the years. It drives my wife nuts and always has. My friends say I have an addiction to it. I believe anyone can learn and do...
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    Hydro setup

    Ok there could be several reasons why not changing the nutes would show better growth. Some would be high levels of micro's in supply water after when being consumed reach more optimum levels, highly chlorinated water for change outs could stunt growth, allowing for microbes that are beneficial...
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    Hydro setup

    I shouldn't leave such a broad and blanket response. I will go over my view when I get home. Yes it's absolutely possible and many ppl do it but I would not recommend it to someone newer and will explain why once I'm home.
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    Is my plant sad?

    I would lower your nutes a bit and slow down on the watering
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    Hydro setup

    Yup dialed in
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    Hydro setup

    Your less likely to see an issue with faster finishers like auto's. A 12week sativa not so much. I'm no expert either
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    Hydro setup

    If it works it works.
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    Hydro setup

    Because your nutrient ratios change over time and you end up with excess salt and an imbalance of nutrients. Unless your plant is taking up nutrients in the exact ratio that your ferts are composed of it's not a matter of if but when before you see the effects of this imbalance and salt build...
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    Hydro setup

    You must have your shit really dialed in but I wouldn't recommend that practice.
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    Is my plant sad?

    Look over fed and watered and starting to flower. Do you have a fan or some air movement on those? I hope its an auto or he just started flowering his veg plant :)
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    Is there anything wrong with my plants and how do I fix them

    Your using bloom nutes so your seeing them pull nitrogen from the leaves. This early in I would up my nitrogen a bit. Nothing wrong per se with them
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    Am I flowering ?

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    Male or female

    Not even worth guessing.... its not a race. I'm mean by posting this at that stage if you had 15 "its male" replies would you rip it out? Lots of time left before you have to worry.
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    Cheap water cooler

    Thermoelectric is extremely inefficient produces a lot more heat than the cooling it provides. I have a 300W one kickin around from a few years ago I've used for shits and giggles on different projects. Waste of money for this purpose.
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    Compatible Equipment for Autopilot F90

    Also found dehuey's with an option for a drain hose to be so much nicer. Nothing worse then checking the room and finding the bucket full and your humidity at 90%+
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    How do you check PH, any recommended tools.

    Even the cheapo's work. There is Bluelab, milwaukee and some other really good ones out there are a lot more reliable. But as long as you get the calibration solution and calibrate often the cheapo's will get ya by.
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    Lights fell 3 weeks before harvest

    ^^^ Tape that shit back together and hope for the best.