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    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Yeah good article but also those optimal's will change based on several factors. A lot more studies will be coming out soon enough but i think these ratio's in relation to each other are the important factor not the ppm values. So we have a lot more info than is commonly thought. These ratio's...
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    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Yeah this is a complex topic and will be different for each strain and grower. This is why nutrient ratio's are much more important than nutrient concentration (ppm). VPD is important to take into consideration and record when testing for optimal concentration. The same strength solution can...
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    Good value lights for a 1st timer?

    Yeah there is no real winner and many ways to grow great plants. Lets be honest different lights change everything from nutrient uptake to equipment needed and how its setup much like @Apalchen pointed out. Its very situation dependent much like you found your sweet spot with CMH.
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    Good value lights for a 1st timer?

    you in Canada? Better yet PM me if ya wanna get rid of em
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    Good value lights for a 1st timer?

    Fair assessment. What QB's do you have and what do you want for them? :)
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    Good value lights for a 1st timer?

    1. LED's are more efficient they put out more usable light per watt than HID lighting thats why you can get equal or bigger yields with less wattage. 2. You are probably seeing a better quality with CMH due to its content of IR and UV spectrum. HID's are superior in this aspect and thats why you...
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    Good value lights for a 1st timer?

    In my opinion its simple if heat might be an issue go LED if not anything proven to grow. Nothing wrong with HID's it boils down to what your preference and circumstances are. LED you will pay more upfront and HID's more on the back end. Both have their benefits and weaknesses for growth but...
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    Canada, are you ready?

    The problem is politics in both countries. People just don't give a shit about politics enough to cipher through the bullshit and make an informed opinion (its a full time job) because there are many people with full time jobs dedicated to creating propaganda and twisting half truths to both...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Soft water fish in the cichlid family... Very beautiful
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    Three enough?

    Your not wrong. I'm not sure if he has a driver for it or just the board. What i was saying is sometimes you end up paying more for less when trying to incorporate something you already have and it may be beneficial to look at other options not just focus on using it. There are many ways he...
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    Adding a reservoir

    Would depend on the pump (and you will need one not like the photo showing no pump) but i would not go less than 1" if you plan to upgrade later then take that into account. I use these...
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    Three enough?

    Like i said if you add up the total cost of your build and compare the fixture you are paying more for less. Add in cost of wires, connectors, hangers, screws, potentiometer and much more labor. Comparing them looks about $425-$450 for your build without including the IR addition you mentioned...
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    Three enough?

    Agreed and you can do the same with the QB's if you like as they are easily changed out. Can do a set of veg boards (4K) and then change to flower (3K) and still use all the other existing equipment to run them.
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    Three enough?

    This ^^^
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    Three enough?

    1 288 board is fairly cheap. When you start piecing things together they add up in cost. Kits are almost always cheaper then buying piece by piece. I am more than confident the cost to make a custom fixture will almost always be more than a kit of equal comparison. The reason people usually...
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    Three enough?

    I have the HLG 600. quite a bit cheaper than the 550 and provides significantly more PPFD. No complaints and comes with the dimmer from 10%-100% power. I got mine here as it was cheaper than the HLG website...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Lol that's about the best answer you can give. Explains away the volume and frequency you purchase. I prob would have just asked him what his annual profit was. I would assume the fact he asked you about it was that he is not using sterile containers or system and didn't want you drinking it.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Yeah 30ppm is nothing to be concerned over and definately not at the cost difference
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    It's common to have up to about 30 the supplier is trying get the most out of the filters. It could also be your TDS meter. I'm guessing a grocery store machine filled? And yes it should be less than 10 but not a big concern for your use