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    Strange preflower

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    I like 1500 PPM

    Look into the aquarium hobby forums you will see lots of 20lbs Co2 tanks for sale just make sure they are in date or you will need to pay for a re-certification. You can get them filled at a fire safety company or most companies that supply welding gas no accounts needed. Tell them its for an...
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    I like 1500 PPM

    Took the words out of my mouth. PPM is really not something you can go by. PPM with VPD is what you want.
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    Flushing DWC. Any point to pH the water?

    This whole discussion is flawed. If your PH is 7.2 there is NOT nothing in your water. I take it you are using tap water? Majority of which would be calcium, magnesium, phosphates and sulfates. Also some nitrates and others like iron etc. Distilled water with 0ppm is about a PH of 6 and Its also...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    That should work for now. There is also this product if you can find: Its cheap and I personally have never used but its the same type of bacteria as hydrogaurd and have heard from others its works well for them.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Turn the Alarm high setting to like 200F as seen on the display as AH and turn the low alarm to like 0F as seen on the display as AL. If you keep day/night temps the same you will see a difference in your node spacing. This can sometimes be desirable with some sativa's or during stretch but...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    I don't grow in tents but if its in a small room it may be easier to control the humidity in the room the tent is in rather than the tent itself. Best to let the tent guys/gals tell ya how its done. There are many ways to use these controllers. Like @Axion42 explained.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    I have an AC unit and space heater setup on the temp controller i linked you, you can set day and night temps, in fact you can set 12 different temps if you like. Its programmable by minuets, hours or days. It can be a little confusing to setup the first time but if you get it and need any help...
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    Reservoir DWC pumps

    I go 10x grow sites volume minimum for the pump after calculating head pressure as a lot of pumps do not take this into account for their rating . You cant run 2 pumps like that one tote will overflow. I would not go less than 1 inch and I would recommend atleast 1.5 but 2 would be ideal incase...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    That model model can only heat or cool and humidity or dehumidify right? I run a small sealed space and need the ability to do heat and cool as well as humidify and dehumidify but he may not. That's why I recommend the seperate inuts
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Last pic roots look like they are recovering. I would say its probably low PH but i have never used PH pergect so maybe someone else can chime in on that.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Your containers are separate correct? Did you use the same testers and equipment eg. PH, TDS going from one to another? I'm thinking this is a root problem likely pythium but not 100% sure.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Temps should be 20-21 C. Your water temps are a bit to low. Use the sensizym at full strength, I have never used sensizym before but it won't hurt. Can you take pics of the roots closeup.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    The one with root damage? if so that's your answer and I would not add anything yet. What are your water temps and have they changed? Are you running sterile or any kind of beneficial bacteria? Open each rez and smell. Do they smell different? Or like mildew
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Have these spots started since then or was this an existing issue?
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Do you let your ph drift? Or does it stay at 5.4?
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    Nutrient Ratios Information

    I think we are going to see a lot more studies from legal states and Canada. Personally i think the ratio is the way go at the moment but only as a basic guideline since we don't have the studies cannabis specific yet. But we do have studies involving very similar plants. PPM is easy enough to...
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    PM sent

    PM sent