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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Was this an over night change OP?
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok that ph is holding rock solid. So let start this over again if you don't mind. Looks like possibly high P maybe k or sulfer/iron deficiency. But again this is likely from past. Iets try to get this balanced out I think I had you go to much oh up. That ph is to stable and kinda leaning to...
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    I think your absolutely right. I wanted to get the ph stable mainly. But now that's done we can work on adjusting feed and other parameters.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    It can take 5-7days to be able to see the full impact of a nutrient concentration change or after correction of deficiency. So it's likely from close to a week ago. Let's wait and give it 4-5 days like this and see how she looks then. Nitrogen tox is one of the quicker ones so if you see clawing...
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Doesn't need to be air tight just to cut down on evaporation. Then we can see the uptake rates a bit more accurately
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok so I think we solved your ph swing issue. A ppm increase of that much in that amount of time indicates your ppm is so high. So when you get time fill to the same water line as last night and check again. The ppm should be lower atleast a bit. The plant is drinking more than eating. One thing...
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Just to add to JD the rate at which a unit can produce RO also largely impacts price. How is the ph looking at this point?
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Yeah ok that will not provide any buffering. Ok good we are on the right track was worried I gave ya bad info on not using the cal mag after that Google search... But as luck would have it I was right lol
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    That is what you have right? Ok I'm a little fucking pissed here I quick google calimagic. The ingredients were listed as cal nitrate and mag carbonate... So I'm like wtf that's not right. I go check my bottle and sure as shit cal nitrate and mag nitrate. There is another GH cal mag that is...
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Yeah the GH cal mag will work as a buffer. Why did I think it was calimagic?
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok now give it an hour and let's see. Then write down and check again in 24hrs
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Don't go 1400 that's to high. Did you add both yet? Once we get this and the rest of the stuff straight they will start drinking a lot more and you may have to lower ppm even more
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok so added ph up and dropped the ph down now? I don't think it the nutrients it's the ph. Like any low alkalinity water you need to get an adequate buffer.
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    Droopy leaves after first feeding

    I agree 100% just find 20% kinda high for soil. 5% maybe 10% but again that depends I guess on if you are feed water water, fees water feed etc..
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    Droopy leaves after first feeding

    That would be for coco not soil unless you are trying to flush. It's not uncommon to take 7-10 days depending on pot size at this age
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    I don't think so.. I never looked into it. If you have calibration fluid the just use that to verify. Ok the ph should be potassium bicarbonate right? I wish I knew the concentration I always use raw form. Leave the silica out for now then. Add 1 ml per gal ph up then ph down to 5.8 and check...
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    Droopy leaves after first feeding

    Yeah he is right don't use a lux app on blurples. You should be good at 24"
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok your plants are not eating well. All this root issues could be why as well as those ph fluctuations. So I take it you don't have potassium bicarbonate correct? Ph down is GH ph down? I think phosphoric and nitric acid mix if I remember right. How much have the plants drank? If you top it...
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    Droopy leaves after first feeding

    You light may be a bit close. I would back it up to 24". The goal is to get leaf temps to about 74-78f. So if you can get air temps of 80f that should put you about right under that light.