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    Questions about greenleaf megacrop

    I don't see a reason why following the recommended dose would not be fine with that. I have found mega crop gives a much more accurate feeding calculation than other nuts. With that said it always better to under feed than over feed so starting at 3/4 would still be a good idea. If you had some...
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    RDWC almost overflowing

    Course filter foam may work.
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    What you guys think about my first grow does that look like normal flowering.

    I take it this is near the end of week 1? If soon looks normal.
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    Questions about greenleaf megacrop

    Details of your setup please. Its different for everyone depending on growth conditions. I find in my sealed, hydroponic, CO2 supplemented room I have no problem feeding at the recommended dose and even slightly above.
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    Nodes turning yellow

    Pics in natural light please. Nodes or leaves? Assuming soil grow? What are your feeding practices?
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    Drooping plant

    Perfect example of why VPD is important. Do not spray them with water while the lights are on. In times of high heat raising the humidity will help and in week 1 of flowering I would say your humidity is to low to begin with. 55-60% would help alleviate some of the stress you don't have buds yet...
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    Recommended affordable nute for my 2 plants....

    Personally I feel like most bloom nutes cut to much N to fast. A lot of people over fed those plants in veg and starve them in flower. I prefer to keep nutrient ratios similar throughout the grow with the exception of K to N ratio in flower. While just reducing the overall feed late in flower...
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    Can you completely cut out calcium?

    I agree but in hydro you need to keep some which most fert lines do. I feel feeding enough but not to much is the key. In soil you will likely have enough that there would be enough if not feeding As @Thundercat was saying I think you want the healthiest buds possible at harvest but feed as...
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    Can you completely cut out calcium?

    This over and over and over again
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    Recommended affordable nute for my 2 plants....

    Yeah it's easy and I don't feel the need to complicate things more than needed. I mean there are growers that can benefit a bit more from more advanced control but far more ppl do more harm than good especially without the knowledge to go with it
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    Recommended affordable nute for my 2 plants....

    Mega crop. Outdoor all you need is that and monopotassium phosphate (cheapest for of pk booster) ok booster are nothing more than this with a few tiny additions. Simple extremely cheap and effective.
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    what's on my plants?

    On my phone so the pic is small but I would be looking for spider mites.
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    Having a hell of a time with co2

    I would give you 3 weeks tops on that tank. If you drop it to 800 you will probably get another 2 weeks out of it
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    Having a hell of a time with co2

    I use the same controller. I used a 200ppm deadband. I run an hlg 600 and grow in hydro so I may get a bit faster growth and your veg times may be different but this is what I do For light i use a light meter app but a lumen meter is cheap. I start clones about 10000 lumen and bump up...
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    Having a hell of a time with co2

    No point running CO2 unless you have the light which you do but also can provide the environment which you can't. I run a sealed room and run 600ppm for my veg first 2-3 weeks then 800ppm for my last week of veg. Then flower I bump to 1200ppm and my last 2 weeks I drop it back down to 600 ppm...
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    Controlling high temps

    Confused you with the OP sorry.... No wonder i was so confused
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    Controlling high temps

    How can you be 2 weeks from chop if you are on an 18/6 light schedule If it's not an auto?
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    Controlling high temps

    Clones an auto? Nit understanding why
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    Water chiller a necessity ?

    DO is not something I would consider an issue with temps under mid 80's if you have adequate gas exchange. It is true cooler water hold more DO and will provide a bigger buffer range for replenishment. The ideal root temp for growth is around 77f but also ideal for bacteria, fungus and other...