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    Water conditioners for root development in res... Halp!

    You need to decide if you are going sterile or live. You can't run a combo of it. I like hydrogaurd with hygrozyme. I use the hygrozyme at 1ml per litre not at the dosage they recommend and find it's can use the hygrozyme with either sterile or live systems.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    If your are doing a res change out then 1.5ml per 5 gal. If adding to your existing solution try 2ml total to adjust buffer and add back some K. It's gonna be a trial by fire thing. Always error on the low side
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    No no that's to much to add...
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    Yeah way to many variables if you give a full description of all your equipment and parameters with plant photos... We could give you an approximation based on experience.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Looking good.... Adding a bit more ph up will help get ya to 0.2 in 24 hours. It looks to be eating up the K a bit which will increase the availability of nitrogen. Keep the same ppm just add a small amount of ph up or can do a res reset. How much ph up did ya do last time I think like 5 ml...
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Yeah I would definitely cut that with RO at least 50/50 maybe even more 75/25
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Might be slight phosphate deficiency from higher ph. I wouldn't be to worried it's often genetic and if it's more red it's usually light exposed stems mostly. The cooler the temps the more stable anthocyanins are. It's not abnormal IMO. The plants are looking better and that's what matters...
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    RDWC Buckets in Canada?

    Look for 29% it's less restrictive on shipping and local hydro stores usually carry it
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    That's a good sign. You are about perfect I would say. Ph is on par now just stay the course and let then recover. How are the plants looking in comparison? Looking for any new deficiencies that may indicate a nutrient ratio issue if none that's obviously a good sign
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Ph testing RO is not reliable. And I agree it need to be buffered if the nutrients do not provide this
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Should be fine. You wanna stay under 50ppm sodium and the lower the better but I wouldn't hesitate to use it. The alkalinity is dam near perfect so you likely won't need to add any buffering to keep a stable ph. Chloramine is lower than most under 1ppm. 4ppm is the max so that's good. May want a...
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Not necessarily... But if you can look up you local water report and tell me the total hardness I will have a better idea. Ppm wise it's fine but it may require a fair bit of acid. I'm about 95% sure it would be fine.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Waitill they are healthy but it's looking better so I would think it should be ok see how they are doing tomorrow
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    RDWC Buckets in Canada?

    Yeah and ppl will pay... Like I say we get fucked on everything here
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    RDWC Buckets in Canada?

    Yep I can't find it up here either. More concentrated than hydrogaurd and same strain
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Cancel the order Amazon is good for that. I use tap also but I use RO in my humidifiers. If you use tap your asking for mineral deposits everywhere
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    PPM reading of my tap water

    Yes I would say it's likely ok if it's 124ppm before the softener
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    RDWC Buckets in Canada?

    We get fucked on everything man. Wanna know what a bottle of hydrogaurd is here.1gal $160+ $80 shipping.
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    RDWC Buckets in Canada?

    Yeah done