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  1. SenorSanteria

    How can I help my baby stand up on her own??

    Bury up to the first set of leaves, and get your light closer so it doesnt happen again. A fan is not optional- you need one in your room recirculating air, in any setup. A very gentle breeze is enough to stimulate the stems for strong growth.
  2. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    Those are artificial prices. Some what legal is not the same as fully legal.
  3. SenorSanteria

    2 problems please advise

    My clawplant was a pure sativa. The smoke was beautiful tasting- smelled just like Juicy Fruit. It just wasnt a big producer. It produced about half as much as my others of the same size. If you can figure out for sure what that claw is... please let me know. Does it look like this?
  4. SenorSanteria

    2 problems please advise

    I had the claw last grow. I never completely figured out what the cause was. I had 16 plants, and only 2 had the clawing leaves like you described. The only thing that seemed to help was a teaspoon per gallon of hydro peroxide. I flushed with that, and then let it completely dry out before...
  5. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    HighPotency, you bring up a good point. People are going to make things as cheaply as possible and sell them for as much as they can, regardless of the product. With other companies trying to do the same, the price has to drop. How low will it drop would be based on the cost of growing it. If...
  6. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    Well then we're just a bunch of potheads arguing and in complete agreement. :lol:
  7. SenorSanteria

    Do your eyes get bloodshot eating pot ?

    My eyes dont get red when I smoke anymore. If they do, it means I'm REAL baked. Unless i'm taking big bong or gravity hits, I dont get that high much anymore. So im usually cleary-eyed, which is good for the few times i've been pulled over baked and/or whilst smoking. (knock on wood). But if i...
  8. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    Right. But my post was talking about the price of pot falling. I dont think it would, even with a setup like yours. Obviously the value will drop a bit, but I dont see it going as low as tobacco. A pack of cigarettes is almost 20g of tobacco. I dont ever see 20g of weed costing $4.45
  9. SenorSanteria

    Cannabis abuser 'snapped his 16-month-old daughter's back in two'

    Why does the article need to state that he's a cannabis abuser? What difference does that make, besides making all cannabis users look like potential baby killers? He's a murderer, not a cannabis user. The fact that he smokes cannabis is completely irrelevant. Obviously the cannabis wasnt the...
  10. SenorSanteria

    Harvested too early?

    Thats not true. It'll still get you high. But to get the most out of it, i'd wait for it to fully cure before smoking it. We're most of the pistils orange? As long as they werent all white, you'll be fine.
  11. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    I still dont think it would work out that way. I mean, I dont claim to know very much about growing tobacco, but I have to assume that after factoring in the length of time that pot takes to grow, the cost of nutes, the amount of care required for the plant, I dont think that it would be just...
  12. SenorSanteria

    Do your eyes get bloodshot eating pot ?

    Ive seen people get wicked red eye from edibles. Its not just a smoking side effect.
  13. SenorSanteria

    Confused by wannabe grower

    Marijuana would still be more expensive due to the time, dedication, and care that a marijuana plant requires to grow (well), that a tobacco plant doesnt require.
  14. SenorSanteria

    Plants Drooping, curling and some Yellowing,

    Try adding a teaspoon of h2o2 to your water.
  15. SenorSanteria

    Acid Flashbacks and Back Cracking

    This acid flashback youre talking about isnt necessarily a full flashback, its more of a trails thing. Seeing stuff out of the corner of your eye that isnt there, etc. And it is caused from LONG TERM acid abuse. Not experimentation. To experience what youre describing you would need to trip face...
  16. SenorSanteria

    Medical marijuana act passes NJ panel

    One by one! Ill give it 15 years max until we see nationwide decriminalization. I dont ever forsee full legalization though.
  17. SenorSanteria

    PH Problems

    All of your nutes typically raise the pH.
  18. SenorSanteria

    SOG and what it entails

    You also might be thinking of SCROG. Screen of green.
  19. SenorSanteria

    Cloning using just water?

    Ablsolutely not. I mean... you can... but it'd be pointless. Veg it for at least a couple weeks.
  20. SenorSanteria

    Cloning using just water?

    You can clone in just water. If you do it properly, you will see near 100% success. I cut a few clones 3 weeks into flower, no rooting hormone, and stuck them both in a cup of water and left them under some cfls. They all rooted.