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  1. SenorSanteria

    Where do you draw the line?

    Weed on the regular. Boomers or tabs once in a while. Acid is the only "hard drug" I'll do.
  2. SenorSanteria

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    This is exactly how my last grow went. 32 germinated, 16 females. My grow was CFL's, and even still, I yielded just over a half pound.:weed:
  3. SenorSanteria

    High pH runoff... question?

    In the picture it looks like the tops of the plants are completely yellow- this is just an effect from the HPS lights. They are very very green. The lower leaves are where the imperfections are (which have been there since before I corrected my water pH).
  4. SenorSanteria

    High pH runoff... question?

    My soil has peat moss in it, but the plants are already potted in large pots- how would I go about adding a buffer to the soil if necessary? I would think most things would need to be mixed into the soil evenly? Ill let you guys be the judges. The plants have been on 12/12 for about a week, and...
  5. SenorSanteria

    High pH runoff... question?

    so its been a few days, and i've been watering as normal with ph'd water. my runoff is still in the 8 zone. should i be concerned? the plants look overall healthy, but do have some minor imperfections on some leaves that i believe to be ph related. until about 2 weeks ago i was not correcting my...
  6. SenorSanteria

    Stronger bud in time to come?

    Weed has gotten stronger not because the plant is any different, but because of breakthroughs in agricultural technology allowing up to grow our plants in near-perfect environments. How much more improving on what we already know is possible? I think that future advancements will lead to...
  7. SenorSanteria

    I think seedbanks are full of shit.

    Yeah, my last grow was all bagseed. 16 different strains. I had one that was super dense, stinky, and covered in resin, that I'd love to grow again if i still had the strain. Almost, if not, 100% indica. Thats what I'd like to grow. It seems (for me at least) that its near impossible to tell...
  8. SenorSanteria

    Psilocybin Kill Temperature?

    While I dont know the answer, a quick google search yeilded this, which may help you.
  9. SenorSanteria

    I think seedbanks are full of shit.

    I think I'm going to do bagseed from now on. I cant justify spending so much money on something thats so hit-or-miss. I'd rather grow a few bagseeds, find a strain I like, and spend my money on lights, nutes, or co2.
  10. SenorSanteria

    I think seedbanks are full of shit.

    I dont know if I buy all the genetics bullshit that the seedbanks feed us. For example, one company has White Skunk and says its genetics are White Widow and Super Skunk, and another has the same strain and lists the genetics as Trainwreck X Shiva. (which are COMPLETELY different plants!)...
  11. SenorSanteria

    Lets say I was germinating and the paper tower dried out...

    My paper towel goes into an empty weed baggy... that way none of the moisture escapes. The seed doesnt need fresh air to germinate, you can put it in a plastic bag and it will work fine, and stay moist for almost two weeks.
  12. SenorSanteria

    pics. whats up with these leaves? +rep for help

    1. Depending on the severity of his pH problem, the plant's growth may not be noticeably slowed. 2. A flush without knowing the pH wouldnt solve any problems- he'd be flushing it with water that still has the incorrect pH. Nutrients usually lower the pH, but without knowing if its too high or...
  13. SenorSanteria

    Tin foil

    95% of the people on here will tell you not to use aluminum foil, for good reason. There is, however, an exception. The ONLY way I'd recommend using foil is if youre on an EXTREMELY tight budget, and are using CFL's for light. DO NOT USE FOIL WITH HID's! CFL's are not powerful enough to cause...
  14. SenorSanteria

    Should I Bud Or Grow Longer????

    Youre gonna get some bangin ass weed with that light. MUCH better than flouros! Use the flouro's for vegging, the HPS to flower. Since youre not using an HPS, the longer you veg, the more you'll yeild. Your plant is a respectable size... it could be flowered now and still yeild a decent amount...
  15. SenorSanteria

    low humidity

    Try setting a wet towel in front of a fan. This will raise your humidity significantly. Try to get it near or above 40%.
  16. SenorSanteria

    pics. whats up with these leaves? +rep for help

    No clue to be honest. I order almost all of my grow supplies via the internets. If home depot doesnt have it, I usually order it. If you want to start correcting the problem TODAY, give the plants a good flush with distilled water, which is always a pH of 7. In the mean time, try to get a...
  17. SenorSanteria

    pics. whats up with these leaves? +rep for help

    Not trying to be a dick, but thats the last thing I'd do. If you dont know what your problem is, step one is always testing your pH. NEVER add nutrients until you know your pH is correct, and is not your problem. If your pH is off, the plant will not be able to uptake certain nutrients, making...
  18. SenorSanteria

    pics. whats up with these leaves? +rep for help

    Pool Spa place? Hydroponics store? I tried home depot and lowes... no dice there for a digital one (which is the only one worth buying IMO). Drive to PA, you can borrow mine. lol
  19. SenorSanteria

    pics. whats up with these leaves? +rep for help

    Looks fine to me. Also wouldnt be a bad idea to buy some pH down (you probably are too basic, pot likes acidic soil).