Where do you draw the line?


Well-Known Member
Yea idk how people shoot up shit, i mean is it really worth the high to stick a needle in your arm? i wtf is that shit, jus wrong and disgusting


Active Member
[quote="SICC";1936026]Yea idk how people shoot up shit, i mean is it really worth the high to stick a needle in your arm? i wtf is that shit, jus wrong and disgusting[/quote]

The only thing I would ever consider shooting into myself would be anabolic steroids (which I have no intention of doing now or anytime in the future). If a cycle is done correctly, it is relatively safe, though I'd rather be natural myself. Screw that heroine and shit though.


Active Member

Were i live if you do anything more then weed your considered a fucking druggie plus nothing has ever called me Like a goo blunt Of haze


Well-Known Member

Were i live if you do anything more then weed your considered a fucking druggie plus nothing has ever called me Like a goo blunt Of haze
you're incredibly ignorant than dude.....I have done any drug you can think of (shy of injecting anything) but I've smoked and snorted anything you can think of, even made my own mescaline and got fucked up for so many years and i got clean of everything but weed and i make more money than you will ever make