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  1. SenorSanteria

    Female Clone but found 3 Seeds....?

    A female will sometimes pollenate itself (like a tiny mutation) as a last ditch effort to reproduce. It was coming to the end of its life cycle without any seeds, so it probably hermied ever so slightly to continue the survival of the species. Nature is amazing, huh?
  2. SenorSanteria

    3 Month old *PICS*

    Looks like it was a bit stunted before it got under the HPS... but its big enough to start flowering now if you want to. Good rule of thumb is that the plant will at a minimum double in size during flowering. Keeping that in mind and your grow space, you can flower anytime you want. The longer...
  3. SenorSanteria

    !!!!!The Best thing to do stoned!!!!!

    You crazy Brits... with your stoned article reading. I dont know why but im giggling picturing this.:lol:
  4. SenorSanteria

    Smoking a joint - How long do you hold your smoke?

    A spoon. Its a type of pipe. Just a standard glass blown pipe with a shotgun. A spoon.
  5. SenorSanteria

    Really? No answers to these questions?

    Make sure you let that bitch cure before you smoke it! Happy Harvesting. :D
  6. SenorSanteria

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    Dont get all worked up that the conversation isnt following the OP exactly. Its all good info here, and anyone who reads this far into it will have learned a lot. You dont find your plants stressed from such low humidity? Everything Ive read said that for veg, 60% is ideal, and anything lower...
  7. SenorSanteria

    For people who use CFLS for growin (CFLS ONLY)

    You can buy a 150w hps for $20 from econolight. But just as a reference for CFL users... I used 600w on 16 plants and harvested 8 ounces. If that helps anyone.
  8. SenorSanteria

    Smoking a joint - How long do you hold your smoke?

    I take my hit, and breathe in as much air after the hit as I can to ensure that there is no smoke in my esophagus anymore. Once my lungs are full, i hold for as long as I can without coughing. Sometimes I try to hold it too long and start coughing before i can even exhale. Then I'm real baked...
  9. SenorSanteria

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    Ive done it your way, and it works great. My first clones were done this way, and were taken 3 weeks into flowering, and still rooted. I have to run a humidity dome because my grow area sits around 20% RH this time of year. Perfect for flowering, but too low for vegging or cloning. I think the...
  10. SenorSanteria

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    Not a new grower, just a new cloner. And considering the already clogged mess of new threads, I thought I'd save some bandwith with my question. My bad.
  11. SenorSanteria

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    Can you give a clone too much light? I know that if they get enough light to sustain themselves from photosynthesis alone, they may blow you off and not root. How do you know how much is too much? Ive got mine under my 150w hps, but its a solid 16 inches below the light, and has a plastic cup...
  12. SenorSanteria

    Really? No answers to these questions?

    Let it go. If its the only plant, it isnt going to produce more seeds before you harvest. Let it finish, youll be fine.
  13. SenorSanteria

    HPS lighting question, need some expert knowledge

    I'm using two 150w HPS's for 6 plants.
  14. SenorSanteria

    my birds killing the plants in flowering

    Don't you know about the bird? Well everybody's heard, that the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word!
  15. SenorSanteria

    What kinda dreams do you get?

    I dream about sex a lot.
  16. SenorSanteria

    Quick clone question...

    Keep the soil moist... like.. saturated? Should I cut a hole for drainage, or should i let it root first?
  17. SenorSanteria

    my birds killing the plants in flowering

    This is the weed forum, man. Youre looking for
  18. SenorSanteria

    Quick clone question...

    Mix with perlite... so that it drains faster? Wouldnt that kill the clone if it dried out completely? Wouldnt i be safer with a more wet medium? I didnt even punch a hole in the cup because I wasnt sure. And I have the clone in a solo cup with a clear plastic cup on top.
  19. SenorSanteria

    Quick clone question...

    So in an attempt to do a little supercropping today I accidentally snapped a node off one of my white skunks. I recut the end at a 45 deg angle and dipped it in rooting powder. The only thing I wasnt prepared for was a medium. I was planning on picking up those little peat things or some...
  20. SenorSanteria

    The Coolest Legal Plants To Grow

    If i had more space, I'd probably have a few tomato plants under my HPS. In fact, i think I'm going to start a few tomato plants indoors this spring. My family gets real competitive with them in the summer, I'd like to get an edge on this years compeition.