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  1. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    When Consuela was looking really bad last week, I was worried that I was going to lose her so, I started her a little sister. Unfortunately her sister is deformed and emerged without leaves so that's going to be an abortion :( sad times.
  2. xinjun

    Seedling emerged as a plain stalk - no leaves ??

    Soaked in water 12 hrs then germed in soil. I am assuming that the "stalk" shown is either the root or that the seed shell+leaves broke off before she pulled her head up. Either way is not good. I guess she is doomed :( Definitely not pets. The room is closed and she's up on a ledge pets...
  3. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Consuela's necrosis spread to her next level of leaves. It started out as grey spots on the leaves and spread until the edges of the leaves are crispy and whitish yellow. I am still not sure exactly what her problem is/was but on Friday I bought some different potting soil, mixed it to 25%...
  4. xinjun

    Seedling emerged as a plain stalk - no leaves ??

    Maybe the seed casing & cotyledon leaves somehow broke off completely as she was emerging .. that's.. probably not a good thing :P
  5. xinjun

    Seedling emerged as a plain stalk - no leaves ??

    Ok so this is only my second seedling... but take a look at this picture. She sent up just a plain shoot, no leaves. Is there something I should do here or just wait it out?
  6. xinjun

    Yellowing, brown splotches - 3 wk seedling

    There's no mention on the bag of any kind of nutrients. It says only "Ingredients: Humus, Peat Moss, Pearlite, Limestone" no percentages or anything. There are slight greyish spots starting to appear on her next layer up :( For the record, I only sprinkled a few grains of Epsom salt. It doesn't...
  7. xinjun

    Yellowing, brown splotches - 3 wk seedling

    Last week these same leaves had an odd curl (preying?) to them and it was suggested to me to try some Epsom salt.. I now wonder if the yellowing is actually FROM the Epsom.. I only added a little but she's just a tiny thing, maybe I over did it.
  8. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Here's my poor baby at 3 weeks old. On Friday the 21st her top leaves touched a CFL and she got some light burn on a few of her leaves. I was sad but not too concerned about it. However, just yesterday (or the day before?) she started developing some crazy brown splotches and discoloration on...
  9. xinjun

    Yellowing, brown splotches - 3 wk seedling

    What does this look like? I am thinking maybe N deficiency?? It is only happening on her lowest, oldest leaves, new growth looks ok. Grow medium is soil (cheap potting soil, nute content not known). She did get some light burn due to touching a CFL with some of her upper leaves but that doesn't...
  10. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Late last week (Feb 13th ish) my girl started looking droopy with her leaves hanging down. I was told here that it was overwatering (facepalm, noob mistake) So I left her alone for around 3 or 4 days and she perked back up and more leaves came in nice. I also added another 6500k cfl (23w -...
  11. xinjun

    My first seedling at 2 weeks - few Q's

    ^ Nice plants! Quite lovely. Thanks for the tip! I'll look into it. :D
  12. xinjun

    My first seedling at 2 weeks - few Q's

    Thanks man :) I've seen some monsters on this site labeled as 2 weeks old.. so I wondered. But maybe those were clones *shrug* didn't pay attention. There's currently 3 CFL bulbs in her room but the one closest to her is a 23W 6500k (1650 lumens) and it is maybe an inch and a half - two inches...
  13. xinjun

    My first seedling at 2 weeks - few Q's

    Here's my baby Consuela (NL Feminized) about 2 weeks after her emergence. She perked up after her overwatering droopage and I think she is looking pretty good My questions are: Is she on par or lagging a bit behind for being 2 weeks old? Should I start looking into adding nutes? (She is...
  14. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    Thank you for the advice :)
  15. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    Absolutely will do!
  16. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    CFLs. Not enough watts for a full grow, really, but was just hoping it would be enough for this seedling in the small space she is in now. Does she look like she isn't getting enough light? Or is there no way to determine the specific problem and I should just improve my everything? My...
  17. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    I have no idea about the nutes, probably nothing added... it's really cheap stuff. She is only a little over a week old.. should I start worrying about nutes yet? I am definitely going to let her dry out for a while. There is absolutely a ton of things that need to be improved about my growing...
  18. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    Its cheapo potting soil. I'll look into getting pearlite when I transplant. I was thinking about possible over watering.. I won't touch her at all for a day or two. Does that sound like a good idea?
  19. xinjun

    Does my baby girl look too droopy?

    Last night she started looking droopy and her lower leaves are yellowing.. I heard that it's normal for the seed leaves to yellow but do her main leaves look too drooped? She's got lots of new leaves coming in so I'm not TOO worried but just wanted to check in and see if anyone sees any early...
  20. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Lol, I know, right? Edited-in the pics, my friend :) I have practically an entire finished basement available as well as a bedroom upstairs. *shrug* Like I said, I know it sucks but I'm low on funds (going through a divorce, vet bills blah blah) and just wanted to get something started. Its...