Does my baby girl look too droopy?


Last night she started looking droopy and her lower leaves are yellowing.. I heard that it's normal for the seed leaves to yellow but do her main leaves look too drooped? She's got lots of new leaves coming in so I'm not TOO worried but just wanted to check in and see if anyone sees any early signs of anything. Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
I think it's too early for the seed leafs to yellow already. What medium are you using? If soil you should add a little perlite. Your medium also looks very saturated. Let it dry out before watering.


Its cheapo potting soil. I'll look into getting pearlite when I transplant. I was thinking about possible over watering.. I won't touch her at all for a day or two. Does that sound like a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Its cheapo potting soil. I'll look into getting pearlite when I transplant. I was thinking about possible over watering.. I won't touch her at all for a day or two. Does that sound like a good idea?
When I grew in soil I watered when the top inch or so is dry. Depending how much you watered it can take longer then a day or two. Also depending how cheap the soil is that can be it too. I used 7 dollar a bag stuff from Lowes and never had major issues. Cheap soil does these kinds of things. Does it have any nutes in it?


Active Member
MAYBE just a little, try not to over water. Other than that, everything looks good. Don't water her for a day or two and she'll be fine.


I have no idea about the nutes, probably nothing added... it's really cheap stuff. She is only a little over a week old.. should I start worrying about nutes yet?

I am definitely going to let her dry out for a while. There is absolutely a ton of things that need to be improved about my growing process/room but I was just wondering if there is anything specific apparent to the discerning eye from the pics. I just grew concerned when her first leaves there started arching downwards last night instead of sticking out straight like they had been. Maybe they are just getting heavier :lol:


Active Member
Way over-saturated! Let her chill in that solo cup for the next week, at least! That little baby is drenched in there and that is the #1 biggest mistake of beginners. Stop watering and just let her ride.


CFLs. Not enough watts for a full grow, really, but was just hoping it would be enough for this seedling in the small space she is in now. Does she look like she isn't getting enough light? Or is there no way to determine the specific problem and I should just improve my everything? My room/medium/lights/everything is pretty much pure shit right now but I am trying to improve as I go along and hopefully keep this baby alive until then.


Active Member
Make sure you have your CFLs close. After 6inches the light spectrum falls to pretty much nothing...For my seedlings I keep the CFL 2inches aways. Overwatering is your *specific* problem. Other than that, its hard to see from the pics.

You are doing good, let her dry and you will be fine.