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  1. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Poor girl, I think I screwed her up real good lol. If I can get some bud out of this I'll be happy enough :P Try to do better with the next lady.
  2. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Weekly pics. More small lower leaves have fallen off and there is still yellowing. Plus I think she is really twisty and spindlier than she should be.. But she's alive and she's growing so... yeah, but I am almost positive she needs more N
  3. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Looking good! I see the curl you're speaking of.. could be a little heat stress?
  4. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Well. She's got more yellowing lower leaves but the upper leaves look pretty good and I had to raise my CFLs twice yesterday because it kept looking like she was going to hit them... so I'm going to count that as a win. Definitely got some kind of nute problem but not sure what yet. Still...
  5. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    I dunno she still looks pretty splotchy and yellowish :/
  6. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Nah not slow, she looks good! :)
  7. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Weekly update: She has grown a bit during the past week... not as much as the previous week, though. A small branch of 4-5 leaves and two new baby leaves on her lower stem turned bright yellow and died within the past 36 hours. I strongly suspect N deficiency. I gave her a few drops of nutes...
  8. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    On the liquid nutes that I bought, they gave a dosage for how much to put in a litre of water. So I did that and been watering my plant with it ever since. Not sure if that's a good idea, though. I think other people feed every other water.
  9. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    I thought she was still looking really good and green and growing... but just last night I found a whole branch of leaves on the back side of the plant that had suddenly turned BRIGHT solid yellow!!! WTF.... Rest of the plant still looks good .. trying not to panic lol. Pics tomorrow.
  10. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Lol yeah I hear you. Same deal with me learning as I go.. but of course I'd likoe some nice buds if I can get them!! ;) But like with mine, the leaves twised and i gave her some magnesium. Then she got worse and i dont know if her sickness progressed or if I actually hurt her with the...
  11. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Yeah she's not in perfect health still but looks a lot better. It has been getting a bit hot in there lately, yeah, trying to avoid that.
  12. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Cute :) I do see a bit of twisting to the first set of leaves... After what I went through with mine, I'd probably just let it go unless it starts to get worse :P
  13. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    How's your baby looking, tha nube? :)
  14. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Here's the baby as promised. One month + one week from when she first popped out of the soil. I took off her necrotic leaves which were pretty much all the big leaves she had at the time. So this is all new growth! She looks much happier if I daresay. If you look close you can still see some...
  15. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Just plain old cheap as I could find potting soil. No nutes at all, I think. Maybe I will try autoflower later. I've already got a bunch of Northern Lights seeds that I ordered from a bank. I heard NL was a good strain for beginners *shrug* - 3 seeds and 1 month later I've got only a small...
  16. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    I'd definitely suggest throwing some "daylight" colored CFLs in there. I don't know how well she will grow in 2700k. Looking good so far :)
  17. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Consuela is 1 month old. She is really small for a month, I think :( she should have bigger leaves. Her big ones all got necrotic, though, and her growth was stunted. She still looks like a seedling.. I think she should be more plant-like by now. The good news is that I gave her a drop of liquid...
  18. xinjun

    Seedling emerged as a plain stalk - no leaves ??

    Ok I will check for the head under the soil. She does look like she's stretching for light, doesn't she lol. No worries.. it IS pretty funny. The medium is seed starting soil. Do we still add perlite to that normally? I thought seed starting soil was supposed to have good drainage or whatever.
  19. xinjun

    First grow! /VEG

    Looks gorgeous!!
  20. xinjun

    Seedling emerged as a plain stalk - no leaves ??

    If you look closely at the picture, right behind her to the left... is that the seed shell??