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  1. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Repotted Hope last night. She had amazing roots all around and down to the bottom of the cup. She looks a little rough right now since those bottom leaves that originally started to grey are now dying, and she is a bit pale all over. I think she was running out of nutrients in the solo cup. She...
  2. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Well, no one seems to know what's happening to Hope's lowest leaves (no responses in Plant Problems) but whatev. Here she is around 3 weeks old :) just gorgeous. Needs repotting soon! She is looking, not only large for a solo cup but also, a bit N deficient. Blood meal will be in her new mix :)
  3. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    My 30x jeweler's loupe arrived today :) so I am all prepared to watch Consuela flower. Hope still looks great except that her lowest leaves have started some random grey splotches :/ I posted in Plant Problems for advice but I learned frm Consuela... I am not going to take any drastic action. I...
  4. xinjun

    What is this? Greying between veins

    This is my second plant. NL fem, seed bank seed. Soil, no nutes. Looks great, about 2 weeks old, has been growing really well. These marks just appeared on her lowest, oldest leaves Thoughts?
  5. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Also, Consuela has hairs popping out all over and I see nothing that is absolutely, definitely balls so I may have on my hands..... sinsemilla. *queue the angelic choir*
  6. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Hope is looking amazing at ~2 weeks old
  7. xinjun

    First plant a few weeks into flowering - is this normal?

    Thanks guys :) with all the mishaps of my first grow, I'll be super happy to get a third of an ounce out of her :P Watching and waiting :)
  8. xinjun

    First plant a few weeks into flowering - is this normal?

    Hello folks :) please see the pictures attached. The first photo is of the plants lower branch, the second picture is of the top of the plant. To me it looks like the lower branch has plenty of hairs starting to show and the top has none. Is that normal? I had understood that the top is supposed...
  9. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Here's something a bit odd... check out the two pics below. The first is of one of Consuela's low branches. Looks fairly developed into flowering mode, right? The second pic is the top of the plant. I don't see any hairs there. Isn't the lower part of the plant usually less developed than the top?
  10. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    I'd like to know the weight as well :)
  11. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    For the record, the wrinkled-ass mylar is just to block the light from going upward and redirect it down toward her. I'll probbly replace it soon with a duct pipe reflector. But I think we can all agree that she looks amazingly better than her start, yeah?
  12. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    I live in a really rainy place right now so that's probably a great idea. I'll set something up :) As promised, here's a pic I snapped of Consuela this morning. She started drooping a bit a while back and then bent toward the light etc so now shes sort of S shaped. I dont mind it because it...
  13. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Thanks man! :) Yeah, I know tinfoil sucks. I'll work on it. Distilled water for sure. Fans have been on my "list" forever. I do tons of reading and research! Budget and inexperience are the limiting factors. I think I am in a better position going foward, though. Consuela got the lights dropped...
  14. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Been very slow getting things moving along (combination of lazy and poor lol) but as of now Consuela has been on 12/12 light cycle since about May 18th. I've recently upped the number of lights in her room and she seems to be doing fairly well and growing rapidly. I am failing pretty hard at...
  15. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Sorry it's been a while. Shortly after I made my previous post in late March, I mixed in some Blood Meal to the top part of her soil for more N. I did much less than recommended amount just to see how she took it. Here's her progress: April 1st April 8th April 16th I think...
  16. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    I'm so excited for you!! She looks gorgeous!
  17. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Thanks Shawangunk Skunk :) I think I did my best to kill her lol. Pretty sure the next grow should go better.. not giving up on this girl yet though :) she's still alive. I have some ideas of stuff to help her. She isn't doing too too bad.. I just have to fix whatever is yellowing her. She's...
  18. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Maybe I will. I should try to fix up my space better before I fuck up another seed :P
  19. xinjun

    Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

    Looks great! I'm jealous lol. Mine is still sickly looking.