Xin's first grow


Weekly update: She has grown a bit during the past week... not as much as the previous week, though. A small branch of 4-5 leaves and two new baby leaves on her lower stem turned bright yellow and died within the past 36 hours. I strongly suspect N deficiency. I gave her a few drops of nutes straight into the soil near her stem and she greened up pretty quick. The nutes I've been using say to use 7 drops in 1 litre. They're 15-10-15 I think. But it seems like it may not be enough. Not going to do anything drastic but going to continue monitoring her and may look for some N fert. I think she could also use some more direct airflow. I've got the extractor fan running in the room 24/7 but I doubt she gets much flow within the Rubbermaid tub. Shopping list: High N nute, some sort of small clip-on fan.

Little dead curled up leaves underneath there and you can see the small branch that died and fell off over the weekend

tha nube

fuck it, shes still alive;// and the new leaves up top look alot healthier than the others imo. maybe hold off on the nutes and just use plain water for a week and see if she responds to that at all?


Well. She's got more yellowing lower leaves but the upper leaves look pretty good and I had to raise my CFLs twice yesterday because it kept looking like she was going to hit them... so I'm going to count that as a win. Definitely got some kind of nute problem but not sure what yet. Still thinking N because the stems of her branches are pretty red.


Weekly pics. More small lower leaves have fallen off and there is still yellowing. Plus I think she is really twisty and spindlier than she should be.. But she's alive and she's growing so... yeah, but I am almost positive she needs more N



Poor girl, I think I screwed her up real good lol. If I can get some bud out of this I'll be happy enough :P Try to do better with the next lady.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow, look at it as your test grow. Remember your mistakes and turn them into lessons for the next.

As far as that plant, my green crack looked worse and it came back, but I left her alone and gave her nothing but water. Something about yellowing leaves from the bottom up, I forget, search "Leaves yellowing from bottom up" and read some threads. This happens a lot
Keep your chin up Xinjun! It's a learning experience. Have you been over to the Plant Help forums? Poke around there a bit, and post some of your pics over there for some feedback. You may figure out what to/not to do on your next grow. And this girl may bounce back... Mother Nature is pretty resilient.


Thanks Shawangunk Skunk :) I think I did my best to kill her lol. Pretty sure the next grow should go better.. not giving up on this girl yet though :) she's still alive. I have some ideas of stuff to help her. She isn't doing too too bad.. I just have to fix whatever is yellowing her. She's still growing and stuff though so hope is not lost!


Sorry it's been a while. Shortly after I made my previous post in late March, I mixed in some Blood Meal to the top part of her soil for more N. I did much less than recommended amount just to see how she took it. Here's her progress:

April 1st

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April 8th

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April 16th

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I think she looks pretty good actually. She's gotten taller, grown more nodes, has less yellowing, more spacing between her nodes, thicker leaf width... I think she is healthy enough to flower. Problem is, I've run out of vertical space in my Rubbermaid bin. Lights are raised as high as they will go and she is still threatening to grow into them. I need to renovate my space asap and get this baby bloomin'


Been very slow getting things moving along (combination of lazy and poor lol) but as of now Consuela has been on 12/12 light cycle since about May 18th. I've recently upped the number of lights in her room and she seems to be doing fairly well and growing rapidly. I am failing pretty hard at sexing "her" .. I see things that COULD be balls but maybe preflowers idk. I have a magifier on the way... I would not be surprised if she hermed out on me after the torture I put her through :P will post pics of her later.

In the mean time I have a brand new baby. I'd like to introduce you to Hope. I named her Hope because I hope to do a better grow this time :)

Right now she's about a week since popping out of the soil. I've got her under a singular lightbulb in my OTHER bathroom (so as not to screw up Consuela's light) wrapped in tin foil to try to keep the light on her directly. Yeah, still running a cheap ass system. Plan to improve bit by bit... but at least I think I learned a lot about how to tell what the plant needs so I hope I can give Hope a better life :)



New Member
Hey man, read through this and I'm gonna stick with ya on this adventure. Consuela has made quite the turn around, good job! Like everyone said, it's a learning experience. I'm learning lots as well... just cross reference everything you hear and go by feel is my advice. :)

You said you are on a budget, so here's a few things I think would help:

Consuela - Try to water her with distilled water and no nutes for a week, wait until the pot is light and the top inch of soil is dry, this should help over watering. Also, if you have a grow tray you can fill it with water bit by bit and let the soil absorb what it wants from the bottom ( I like this method) It looks like she went through some hot times and was to close to the light. A fan can help big time by circulating the air and cooling the bulb. She is def turning around though man, good work and continued luck.

Hope - Stay away from nutes for the next week or two and substitute that tin foil for white paper.. that tin foil is nasty towards plants.

Good luck man! I'll be watching!


Thanks man! :)
Yeah, I know tinfoil sucks. I'll work on it. Distilled water for sure. Fans have been on my "list" forever. I do tons of reading and research! Budget and inexperience are the limiting factors. I think I am in a better position going foward, though.

Consuela got the lights dropped on her multiple times, was over watered, incorrectly nuted, under lit, I think the sink water was killing her too... just about everything I could have done to that poor thing. Plus I didn't train her at all and shes pretty much going straight up (actually kind of S shaped right now and propped up with a plastic fork lmao).

Hope had a long tap root out after just 24 hrs in a shotglass so I think she is raring to go!! Bring it on :D


Well-Known Member
The only kind of water I use is rain water, it's the best kind and its free. Ditch the nasty tap and go with what mother nature. Find something to catch it in and what I do is put it in a couple of 5 gallon buckets. Put an air stone in the bucket to keep it aerated and all you watering needs are taken care of. Never have water problems ever again. Remember its free so no excuses.


New Member
@xinjun - Yeah man you seem to be picking up quick. I'd say don't bother training her, she's seen her fair amount of stress, of course it's your call. We shall see what you've learned put into hope and then onward!

@neonknight420 - Ye for sure, buckets and air stones as well.


I live in a really rainy place right now so that's probably a great idea. I'll set something up :)

As promised, here's a pic I snapped of Consuela this morning. She started drooping a bit a while back and then bent toward the light etc so now shes sort of S shaped. I dont mind it because it lets some of the side leaves get light. I've stuck a plastick fork against her stem for support.


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For the record, the wrinkled-ass mylar is just to block the light from going upward and redirect it down toward her. I'll probbly replace it soon with a duct pipe reflector.

But I think we can all agree that she looks amazingly better than her start, yeah?


Here's something a bit odd... check out the two pics below. The first is of one of Consuela's low branches. Looks fairly developed into flowering mode, right? The second pic is the top of the plant. I don't see any hairs there. Isn't the lower part of the plant usually less developed than the top?



Also, Consuela has hairs popping out all over and I see nothing that is absolutely, definitely balls so I may have on my hands..... sinsemilla. *queue the angelic choir*