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  1. Jay_normous

    Is this a boy or a girl..?

    O.k., so i murdered the male and now i have these left... taken a good few photos, some arn't that good.. More on the way.. can you tell me if they are defo girls and when will they be ready for hanging...? Many thanks..
  2. Jay_normous

    Is this a boy or a girl..?

    The females are just starting to flower, dont see any seeds.. will distroy the male when i get home....:spew:
  3. Jay_normous

    Is this a boy or a girl..?

    Thanks guys, The pics are of one plant, the other 4 am sure they are females... Is to late, or will my ladies my up the duff....?
  4. Jay_normous

    Is this a boy or a girl..?

    As above is this male or female..
  5. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    bumping again... it is male...?
  6. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Bump.. Please, any advice...?
  7. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Hi again, well the flowering stage is well and truly in motion.. has been about a month now, I have mixed stains but one plnat in question i feel might be a male.. Can get better pics if needs be..
  8. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Attic is defo light tight... pitch black up there.. I'm going to have to wait its time for the light to come on but dont have it switched on and adjust my light then and as quickly as i can...
  9. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Right so... Will try and move it up, however it wont be directly above plants, but not far away.... will keep you posted and post pics for you's thanks for all the advice...
  10. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    I can flatten out the reflective material, I don't have many options on where i can put the light, although i do turn the plants 60 - 90 degress everyday. Where i live, their is no problems with heat what so ever... Might just take off some of the larger leaves towards the bottom..????:roll:
  11. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    I have just seen that in the FAQ, Can i still trim it now that i have just started the 12 - 12 cycle...?
  12. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Unfortantly I wont be able to take the bulb out of the reflector, due to the way the light is built... Great idea though...
  13. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Top them....?????:-?
  14. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Will do and thanks...
  15. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Thanks.. Nothing to special, just plant food from a garden centre.. Feed them probably once every 9 days... depending on how moist the soil is (compost soil), as I over fed them when they were young (burnt leaves) Can't wait till they are budding.. Gonna start looking up on harvesting and...
  16. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    They were outside for the first part of their life but the summer we had was terrible, so i had to bring them in under the light... With any luck now I'll have a few buds in perhaps 2 months or so... My first time doing this so any advice or tips would be greatfully received..:joint:
  17. Jay_normous

    Where's everone from?

    rainy and cold.... Ireland...!!
  18. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    O.k. peeps.... done some upgrading... Lowered the light and place more reflective around the plants also a fan is placed below the light.. On a timer of 12 - 12.... Anyone give me more advice...?