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  1. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Cool thanks for the info... Light is the only place i can put it for the moment intill i get it sorted (tomorrow) Will also sort reflector board around the crop.... Oh by the way thats my mum in the pic..... All messing aside though, how could the law ever know who that was in the pic....?
  2. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    I do but its blue.....
  3. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Just giving yous a nudge guys...
  4. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Yeah kindda was thinking that all right... So you recon on just 12 and 12 and a fan will do the job... I also have a red bulb, i think its a clf bulb, 23 w but says it pumps out 100w.. Can get a pic of it if you want and let me know if it would help....
  5. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Thanks so much for the advice... Been meaning to get a fan.. will get one later on tomorrow for defo... Had a timer and started them on 12-12 but it broke last night so doing it manually... Also started to light a little camp stove to give off Co2... good idea..? Heat isn't a problem from the...
  6. Jay_normous

    Some advice please girls & guys

    Hello to everyone.. Bought a mixture or outdoor seeds that i planted in May, but due to the weather we are having here i decided to move them inside in to my attic.. Now the problem i have is I have them under a 250w HPS bulb about 10ft from the ground which i think they find ok, but the only...
  7. Jay_normous

    Hello everyone...

    Cool.. thanks and what light would be best for a grow room about 6ft height x 4ft wide and 3ft deep... and how many plants would like to live in there.. I want to be able to use the lowest wattage bulbs as possible, also not to give off to much heat.. Thanks for the help..
  8. Jay_normous

    Hello everyone...

    New to all this... have started growing about a month ago.. will put up some pics with questions tomorrow.. All going well so far... One quick question though, As I live in ireland (crap weather) i was thinking of helping my plants a long and giving them some artificul light as well.. Would this...