Some advice please girls & guys


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone..
Bought a mixture or outdoor seeds that i planted in May, but due to the weather we are having here i decided to move them inside in to my attic..
Now the problem i have is I have them under a 250w HPS bulb about 10ft from the ground which i think they find ok, but the only thing is that there is no breeze or carbon dioxide up there as nobody goes up in to the attic.
I've had the light on 24 hours a day for the last month, but was wondering could i start the flowering stage now...
Also is there anything i could do to help them along there way i.e hints and tips....
I'm trying to enclose some pics to show you the enviroment they are in...

thanks for any help you can give me...



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I would start flowering, they are looking tall and ready.
Can you get some fans up there for circulation? When flowering, put your lights on a timer for 12 on and 12 off. Increase the bulb watss too if you can, but make sure there are cooling fans in there for the heat from the light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the advice...
Been meaning to get a fan.. will get one later on tomorrow for defo...
Had a timer and started them on 12-12 but it broke last night so doing it manually...
Also started to light a little camp stove to give off Co2... good idea..?

Heat isn't a problem from the light....

Any chance of identefing the sex yet if i take pics closer...

thanks for the help.... my first batch....


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks so much for the advice...
Been meaning to get a fan.. will get one later on tomorrow for defo...
Had a timer and started them on 12-12 but it broke last night so doing it manually...
Also started to light a little camp stove to give off Co2... good idea..?

Heat isn't a problem from the light....

Any chance of identefing the sex yet if i take pics closer...

thanks for the help.... my first batch....

Camp stove in attic, bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Yeah kindda was thinking that all right...
So you recon on just 12 and 12 and a fan will do the job...
I also have a red bulb, i think its a clf bulb, 23 w but says it pumps out 100w..

Can get a pic of it if you want and let me know if it would help....


Well-Known Member
A stonger light would obviously be better, but for sure lower the light. Why do you have it up so high? Get some chains and suspend that bugger. Bringing that light down will provide you with a shit ton better penetration. The way you have it now you'll have those awesome huge plants with just top buds and the bottoms will be worthless. Get some sidelighting or lower that light.

They look awesome. Good job. Now, let's have a little talk about security. How many people know about your little setup? REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE PICTURES! You're a lunatic!


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the info...
Light is the only place i can put it for the moment intill i get it sorted (tomorrow)
Will also sort reflector board around the crop....

Oh by the way thats my mum in the pic..... All messing aside though, how could the law ever know who that was in the pic....?


Well-Known Member
If I were investigating someone for growing and I found pictures on the internet of their grow with a picture of them in it, it would be pretty easy to use it as evidence.

I personally would just remove that picture. I guess it's a paranoid stoner thing, but if you look around this board, that's the one thing you won't likely find. A picture of plants with a picture of the owner in it.


Well-Known Member
O.k. peeps.... done some upgrading...
Lowered the light and place more reflective around the plants also a fan is placed below the light..
On a timer of 12 - 12....
Anyone give me more advice...?



Well-Known Member
They were outside for the first part of their life but the summer we had was terrible, so i had to bring them in under the light...
With any luck now I'll have a few buds in perhaps 2 months or so...
My first time doing this so any advice or tips would be greatfully received..:joint:


Well-Known Member
nothing i can tell you from wat i can see exept they look great dude, wat nutes are you using?
Thanks.. Nothing to special, just plant food from a garden centre..
Feed them probably once every 9 days... depending on how moist the soil is (compost soil), as I over fed them when they were young (burnt leaves)

Can't wait till they are budding..
Gonna start looking up on harvesting and curing next although i feel i may have a while to wait till i put it in to practice...


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to buy a bigger HPS, you might consider this. Take the bulb out of the reflector and let it hang maybe a foot lower than the plants are tall. Then, arrange the plants around the bulb in a circle. Rotate the pots about 60 degrees every day so that each side of the plant is getting light.

Since going into 12/12 you can really expect those plants to gain more height in a very short time.

Good luck!