Is this a boy or a girl..?


Well-Known Member
im very very sorry. all the plants are male from wat i can see from the pics. all the pods are sacs filled with kill the males because they will polenate the female plants

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
It is always sad my friend... I feel bad for you. I know of some that were vegged for about 3 months and were looking beautiful...but two of two were males. That always blows! Hopefully you have others to depend on so it isnt all a wasted effort. However, look at the experience you have gained from it! There is always a positive side to things man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, The pics are of one plant, the other 4 am sure they are females...
Is to late, or will my ladies my up the duff....?


Active Member
Sorry about your luck, it happens..Look on the bright side, if you were using one good strain you will have lots of purebred seeds..


Well-Known Member
yep all males,hope they didnt get your girls knocked up..........still can use them boys for seeds or hash if nothing else.......