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  1. Jay_normous

    Auto Ak-47 & Lowryder #2 (1st Offical Grow)

    looking well.... you really could do with another room..
  2. Jay_normous

    LED Light Pods

    Great post...:blsmoke:
  3. Jay_normous

    Temp and Humidty...?

    Quick question folks.. What should i be aiming for drying..?? Thanks
  4. Jay_normous

    Please give me advice on my box design...PICS.

    Think you fan is too close to your plants, hang it upside down from the roof of your grow room..
  5. Jay_normous

    Lowryder seeds

    Cheers bud,
  6. Jay_normous

    Lowryder seeds

    Yeah, if you go to the FAQ and look under femenized seeds,
  7. Jay_normous

    Lowryder seeds

    If someone was to get lowryder seeds, have them grow, would they be able to be light posioned i.e. for femenized seeds.../?
  8. Jay_normous

    high humidity

    I was told that if you leave a bucket of water in the grow room that it will increase humidity...??
  9. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    Cheers for your info.. much apprecited.. The fans I got from work, they are actually meant to run off 120v so thats why i wired them in "series" form... They've had a hard life as they were probably running nearly 24 hours a day since 1986 (when they were made).. If they burn out or fail i can...
  10. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    How old are they? The mothers are approx 5 months, clones approx 1 and half months. How tall are your plants? mothers aprrox 3ft, clones 1ft 6" - 2ft What's size pots are your plants in? between 1 and half us gallon - 2 and half us gallon How often do you water? Depending on how much they use...
  11. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    Thanks.. The hottest its ever been in there is 72 'f and coldest is 55'f, humidty has been as high as 90% but is now at a constent 65 - 70%. The two computer fans can easily replace the cabinet with fresh air in the matter of a min.. I've placed a piece of cardboard to deflect new air to the top...
  12. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    He says he bought some Purple Widow which one of the mothers are suppose to be... He says the Lowryder plants should suit the grow room..???? Could it of been he took clones are the wrong time or something, as it was his first attempt at cloning.. Have to say my friend is distraught..:sad:
  13. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    Holy shit yeah...:wall: Does that mean its fit for the bin...?
  14. Jay_normous

    A friends grow with questions and pics.

    Hi, My friend grow is 6ft wide, 3ft deep, 4ft high. using a 250w HPS with a home made modified reflector..:bigjoint: He has two large computer fans (Fresh air in, Dirty air out) plus one osalating fan inside. The computer fans are linked to a light dimmer switch so he can vary the spped of the...
  15. Jay_normous

    How to keep a grow room warm??

    I'm currently changing the time the light is on, as i want the light on to be at night when coldest.. By next friday they'll be 5pm - 11am.. I have a temp gauge the records min max temps.. Anybody got any figures out there that it should be at..?? Thanks..
  16. Jay_normous

    4'x8'x7' Three Stage Enclosure

    Looks really well.... hope it works out well for you..
  17. Jay_normous

    Will it be enough..?

    If my clones are about 4 inch heigh now, how long under 2 of these tubes will it take till i switch to flowering, I'll be topping the clones and will want to flower when about 2ft tall...
  18. Jay_normous

    Will it be enough..?

    How do you mean..?? Not to sure what strain they are as i have 3 different ones.
  19. Jay_normous

    Will it be enough..?

    I'm doing soil, hydro would be to difficult in my location. I have taken some clones last week and the week before, I had some under my 250w hps as that was the only light i had intill buying these new 58w tubes. I just wondering if I had 2 x 58w tubes in there and veg the clones, trim the...
  20. Jay_normous

    Will it be enough..?

    Cool... Great news... o.k. so how about just 2 then... The room is painted white... if that will help....