A friends grow with questions and pics.


Well-Known Member
My friend grow is 6ft wide, 3ft deep, 4ft high. using a 250w HPS with a home made modified reflector..:bigjoint:
He has two large computer fans (Fresh air in, Dirty air out) plus one osalating fan inside. The computer fans are linked to a light dimmer switch so he can vary the spped of the fans according to temp and humdity.
He cut clones about a 6 weeks ago for the first time.. below are the results, he just wants to know do they look right and also what would cause some of the curling of leaves, He know he shouldn't really feed them but did, also with rain water which I think most of the nuts in the water can stayed at the bottom so the last plant kind of got over feed..
He has 11 clones from 3 diffrent mothers, the mothers are also in side the grow cabinet. Will the mothers be o.k. to flower as well.
He says he might start to flower next week due to space and Christmas coming soon.
Any thoughts or anything he is doing wrong that I can point him in the right direction from you guru's.....??

Thanks for your time...



Well-Known Member
is it just me of do we need a new mother plant ... some better genetics ... all your plants seem to have 1 and 3 bladed leaves .... thats not right


Well-Known Member
no point killin it this late in the game but depending on yield he may want to get some seeds or a new cut from another grower ... who knows it might be kick ass weed with a killer yield but it dont look healthy


Well-Known Member
He says he bought some Purple Widow which one of the mothers are suppose to be...
He says the Lowryder plants should suit the grow room..????
Could it of been he took clones are the wrong time or something, as it was his first attempt at cloning..

Have to say my friend is distraught..:sad:


Well-Known Member
dunno ive never seen a plant with only single and 3 blade leaves ... i mean some lower leaves will always be 3 bladed due to lack of light but the whole plant ... i have no idea what would cause this ... maybe some of the old timers can answer.
as far as taking clones ... as long as the mother is big enough and in a vegatative state any time is a good time to clone ... and even if it was in flower it still may take root its just harder to get started


Well-Known Member
It looks like they're getting too much heat. Plus, they look extremely lanky.
You might want to give them some B52, this will help the plants metabolism and give them more energy. Also repot them into bigger pots, they could be root bound.
Also cut off anything that's sick or dead, those leaves will never go back to normal anyways.
I noticed the fan is on the floor, you want the fan to be hitting the tops of the leaves. Try mounting the fan on the wall so it's facing the tops of the plants.
Plus, you might want to get a bigger exhaust fan. You want a constant flow of fresh air entering and leaving your grow area.


Well-Known Member
It looks like they're getting too much heat. Plus, they look extremely lanky.
You might want to give them some B52, this will help the plants metabolism and give them more energy. Also repot them into bigger pots, they could be root bound.
Also cut off anything that's sick or dead, those leaves will never go back to normal anyways.
I noticed the fan is on the floor, you want the fan to be hitting the tops of the leaves. Try mounting the fan on the wall so it's facing the tops of the plants.
Plus, you might want to get a bigger exhaust fan. You want a constant flow of fresh air entering and leaving your grow area.
Thanks.. The hottest its ever been in there is 72 'f and coldest is 55'f, humidty has been as high as 90% but is now at a constent 65 - 70%.
The two computer fans can easily replace the cabinet with fresh air in the matter of a min..
I've placed a piece of cardboard to deflect new air to the top of the grow room whilst the osilating fan blows the air round the bottom.
When the grow room is in action i can see every leaf move with a breeze.
Some are a bit lanky but these will be topped to compensate.
Me thinks it just a bad batch of seeds...

Well pissed off now..:fire:


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. The hottest its ever been in there is 72 'f and coldest is 55'f, humidty has been as high as 90% but is now at a constent 65 - 70%.
The two computer fans can easily replace the cabinet with fresh air in the matter of a min..
I've placed a piece of cardboard to deflect new air to the top of the grow room whilst the osilating fan blows the air round the bottom.
When the grow room is in action i can see every leaf move with a breeze.
Some are a bit lanky but these will be topped to compensate.
Me thinks it just a bad batch of seeds...

Well pissed off now..:fire:
I tried to give you some helpful advice but It's awfully hard to diagnose what's wrong just by looking at some photos.
Maybe you can answer some questions for me to help us figure out what could be the problem.

How old are they?
How tall are your plants?
What's size pots are your plants in?
How often do you water?
What kind of water are you using?
What kind of nutrient are you using?
What's your PH
What's your TDS
What's your EC
How many ppm's of CO2 are in your grow area?
Are you using any micronutrients?
If yes, which ones?
What's your temperature/humidity during the light hours?
What's your temperature/humidity during the night hours?
How many lumens of light are you using?
What kind of bulbs are you using?
What kind of intake are you using?
How strong are your exhaust fans?
How many CFM's are your fans rated at?
Do you know if you have a spidermite problem?
Is your grow area in a damp location?

I know that you've already answered some of these questions. But if you answer each of these questions Honestly, I can help you alot better with what you need to do.


Well-Known Member
How old are they?
The mothers are approx 5 months, clones approx 1 and half months.
How tall are your plants?
mothers aprrox 3ft, clones 1ft 6" - 2ft
What's size pots are your plants in?
between 1 and half us gallon - 2 and half us gallon
How often do you water?
Depending on how much they use really
What kind of water are you using?
Rain water
What kind of nutrient are you using?
none at that moment, did use some stuff with NPK of 24 - 3.5 - 13.3, gonna start flowring tomorrow and give them some bio bloom.
What's your PH
not a clue, broke ph meter
What's your TDS
. Eh...?
What's your EC
How many ppm's of CO2 are in your grow area?
no idea..
Are you using any micronutrients?
no idea..
If yes, which ones?
What's your temperature/humidity during the light hours?
approx 70'f and 75%
What's your temperature/humidity during the night hours?
approx 58f and 80%
How many lumens of light are you using?
no idea..
What kind of bulbs are you using?
250w HPS
What kind of intake are you using?
Fan from an industral printer
How strong are your exhaust fans?
quiet strong id say
How many CFM's are your fans rated at?
No sure but have it wired to a adjustable resistor so it can be varied depending on temp and humdity
Do you know if you have a spidermite problem?
Some of them did catch a pest of some sorts, 1. I think was white fly and 2, dont know but they looked like green blobs with tiny tiny legs, I got spray about 2 weeks ago, seams to off cleared up now..
Is your grow area in a damp location?
Kindda yeah, Its location is in a new wooden shed, but i wouldn't of said the shed is damp, I recently bought saucers for the bottom of the pots to collect any run off water, and then dispose of, as before it just ran in to the carpet that has been placed on the floor of the shed.

I hope this will be helpful in some way...

Thanks for you time..


Well-Known Member
"He has two large computer fans (Fresh air in, Dirty air out) plus one osalating fan inside. The computer fans are linked to a light dimmer switch so he can vary the spped of the fans according to temp and humdity."

That's really bad for the fans. They are supposed to run at a certain speed and if you slow it down it'll start burning out.

I think you/your friend should cut back on the number of plants you have in there to start with.
The light could probably have done with being lower during veg as they look stretched.

They are also wilting, this could be a number of things but what you should look at for now is Temperature and how much water they are getting.

Remove the cardboard from the intake fan as theres not really any point in it being there.

Perhaps adding more fans for intake and outtake so that your plants are getting more renewed air..

hope this helps..


Well-Known Member
"He has two large computer fans (Fresh air in, Dirty air out) plus one osalating fan inside. The computer fans are linked to a light dimmer switch so he can vary the spped of the fans according to temp and humdity."

That's really bad for the fans. They are supposed to run at a certain speed and if you slow it down it'll start burning out.

I think you/your friend should cut back on the number of plants you have in there to start with.
The light could probably have done with being lower during veg as they look stretched.

They are also wilting, this could be a number of things but what you should look at for now is Temperature and how much water they are getting.

Remove the cardboard from the intake fan as theres not really any point in it being there.

Perhaps adding more fans for intake and outtake so that your plants are getting more renewed air..

hope this helps..

Cheers for your info.. much apprecited..

The fans I got from work, they are actually meant to run off 120v so thats why i wired them in "series" form...
They've had a hard life as they were probably running nearly 24 hours a day since 1986 (when they were made).. If they burn out or fail i can get some more as if i were use them at normal speed, the likely hood it will stress my plants with so much air coming in...
This is why I have deflected the air with card board.

I feel my friend has gone over board with the number of plants but there is no talking to him.. maybe next time he'll take our advice...??

He is going to start flower later on, just to see what the end result is going to be like.. don't blame him really, being this far and all....

So any idea why the abnormal leave, do you think it will affect the potency...?

Once again thanks for you help on this matter...