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  1. GOD$GIFT420

    I Need Info on a Few Sttains Please...

    I am growing gods gift, hogs breath, bluberry hog, c4og, jupiter og, pre98 bubba kush, pineapple express, cherry cush, and diamond og. Yea, l kno, its a lot but, like most cats, i want to see whats best for me... nevertheless, i have two 600w dimmables in two 4x2ft tents. What do i need to kno...
  2. GOD$GIFT420

    Please rate my set-up and plant!

    jus stop dude. for real. spend some money and lets grow some herb! damn. being a newbie is one thing but this? i duno. am i being mean? im a newbie too so, dont take it so hard. its not like i know shit...
  3. GOD$GIFT420

    lumens per sq ft!!!

    or is it like this... 2x3ft of floor space rt? x 7000 = 42000 lumens needed? or, i want to grow 7 plants so, i need 49000 lumens?
  4. GOD$GIFT420

    lumens per sq ft!!!

    woe, i jus did the math on my lumens and its over the top! ok, i have a 2x3x5ft tent where im running a 600w dimmable air cooled light that gives off 55,000 on full blast! im running at 75% so, thats 75% of 55,000 = 41,250 / 30 (sq ft) = 1375 lumens per sq ft!!! is that too much? how many plants...
  5. GOD$GIFT420

    is this true?

    its not luck, its a fact. 707 is neutral, this means that if you did ph, you would do it at 5.5 - 6.2 or so jus like with hydro. i believe that other sites have much nicer people who help newbies even those with dumb questions... this place is starting to suc now that ive joined. i should have...
  6. GOD$GIFT420

    Post your Pic Thread

    here is mine...
  7. GOD$GIFT420

    is this true?

    "I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium...
  8. GOD$GIFT420
  9. GOD$GIFT420

    i live in the box...

    i live in the box...
  10. GOD$GIFT420

    you think i should do a journal?

    you think i should do a journal?
  11. GOD$GIFT420

    Got a question for the pros using Fox Farms

    dam bruh, sorry to hear that, i am disabled as well. same here, car accident (amongst other things). nevertheless, each time i see that huge bud on the side i read your replys and you always seem to try and help cats out... das good shit, keep up the growing hommie! one.
  12. GOD$GIFT420

    problems understanding ppm, ec, ph, and soil/(707) grow.

    yo dude, i hate that we got off on the wrong foot, i am not as much of a dic as peeps thought. i lived in israel for the last 11 years and i wasnt a web head. jus getting the swing of this amazing joint and its crazy! das another story but, i found this on another site... "I hear a lot of...
  13. GOD$GIFT420

    problems understanding ppm, ec, ph, and soil/(707) grow.

    word, good looking out. why must the soil ph be different from hydro? is it because of salt? i jus dont know what to believe. the person that told me to do the 5.5 has a hydro store! what? are they trying to get me to come cack and buy more stuff? i add FF to my RO water and it is @ 5.0 ph. i...
  14. GOD$GIFT420

    problems understanding ppm, ec, ph, and soil/(707) grow.

    i used water that was @ 6.2 RO, mixed Fox Farm nutes and my ph went down in the high 4's low 5's. so, i dont know what to do. i added tap water and now, my ppm has went down to 114-150. i have been told that the soil will buff the ph and adjust it by itself. i am also being told that i should...
  15. GOD$GIFT420

    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    thanks for some real info G-d, you helped me at least know what direction they should be walking me.... we will see.
  16. GOD$GIFT420

    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    sounds good to me...
  17. GOD$GIFT420

    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    its legal here in cali first of all, and the people in question has a store front and they sale tons of weed. i dobt they would want my six plants that they provide along with the nutes and the grow box. what i do believe is that they want to stay in business so, they will show me jus enough to...
  18. GOD$GIFT420

    Club 600

    i am running a 600w, digital dimmable 600w ballast- in a 3x2x5 tent, 500 cfm fan and dimmer switch w/carbon filter, 6in air cooled reflector, 3.4gal air pots, diamond og x2, c4 ogx1, hogs breath x1 clones from THC in san diego. 707 soil w fox farm complete grow cycle. 24hr light. then i...
  19. GOD$GIFT420

    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    What would be your class itinerary? What tools would you say every grower shohld have? List of definitions? Basic info, do's, donts, and so on. I ask bc there is a group here in san diego who for a small fee will come to your home and teach you to grow. But, since its abusiness, i kno they are...
  20. GOD$GIFT420

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    thats jus how you see it.... many of us jus dont know. some of us have never grew, have never researched, dont know where to go for correct information so, we turn to more experienced people to guide us along the way until we learn how to. maybe some people want magic, well, i only wanted...