problems understanding ppm, ec, ph, and soil/(707) grow.


i used water that was @ 6.2 RO, mixed Fox Farm nutes and my ph went down in the high 4's low 5's. so, i dont know what to do. i added tap water and now, my ppm has went down to 114-150. i have been told that the soil will buff the ph and adjust it by itself. i am also being told that i should keep the ph at @ 5 to 5.5 but everywhere i read, it says 5.8- 6.2, i dont know whats what. i was told that soil growing is outdoor, and with soil, you adjust the ph to 5.8 to 6.2 but that 707 and other non soil mediums require a lil bit different, i would like to hear from some one who knows, not from one who read the information as i have in a book or on the web... thanks fam.:dunce:


Well-Known Member


Not sure I get what your saying. is it you dont know how to bring the PH up or down ?

If your doing a hydro setup ph should be around 5.8-6.4 giver or take. if your doing soil, i run my water bout 6.5-7.0

Just get a fish tank PH test kit. itl come with some PH up/down. way easier to use than vinegar/baking soda.

word, good looking out. why must the soil ph be different from hydro? is it because of salt? i jus dont know what to believe. the person that told me to do the 5.5 has a hydro store! what? are they trying to get me to come cack and buy more stuff? i add FF to my RO water and it is @ 5.0 ph. i dont understand why. then, i add tap water to try and sdjust it. allow it to sit a few days then water. i am pre mixing my nutes 3 days in advance. i dont know if the 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 ph is best for this 707. i also have read how different vitamines and minerals cause the water to go up or down. i need to read more about it. i will check out your link, thanks for real bruh, one.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Anything you add to the water is going to change the PH. but just adding more water is only going to dilute your nutrient solution, you need something more concentrated to swing it the direction you need. hence the PH up/down. they are highly concentrated so it only takes a few mL per gallon of water. Different plant species require a different PH variance. MJ just happens to fall with in 5.8 -7.0.

i cant honestly tell you why hydro is so much higher than soil. one would almost think soil would need a higher ph to break down nutrients more.

kinda like dish soap, it only takes a tiny bit. try adding a 1/4 cup of dish soap in your washing machine and see what happens.....caution, dont try this at home.


Well-Known Member
Hey how far into your grow are you with that 707 and what kind of dosage are you givin em wit the Fox Farms?


Hey how far into your grow are you with that 707 and what kind of dosage are you givin em wit the Fox Farms?

yo dude, i hate that we got off on the wrong foot, i am not as much of a dic as peeps thought. i lived in israel for the last 11 years and i wasnt a web head. jus getting the swing of this amazing joint and its crazy! das another story but, i found this on another site...

"I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.
The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.
Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat. Dolomite should be used in any soil or soiless medium to provide magnesium and calcium. But since we are talking about pH here, I'll mention dolomite lime's pH correction benefits.
A medium of coir has a pH near neutral (or 7.0). But humates are still neded to allow uptake of organic nutrients that are outside a near neutral pH range.
With an active medium rich in humates you can pour in nutes like Pure Blend Pro, Earth Juice and guano teas way outside the optimum pH range without worry. The humus will allow the nutes to be taken up through the roots, even at such an extreme pH reading.
So throw those pH meters away folks and enjoy the ease and safety of organic gardening.

hope this answers your question,
