is this true?


"I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat. Dolomite should be used in any soil or soiless medium to provide magnesium and calcium. But since we are talking about pH here, I'll mention dolomite lime's pH correction benefits.A medium of coir has a pH near neutral (or 7.0). But humates are still neded to allow uptake of organic nutrients that are outside a near neutral pH range.With an active medium rich in humates you can pour in nutes like Pure Blend Pro, Earth Juice and guano teas way outside the optimum pH range without worry. The humus will allow the nutes to be taken up through the roots, even at such an extreme pH reading.So throw those pH meters away folks and enjoy the ease and safety of organic gardening.hope this answers your question, thanks..." if so, im done with the so called pro's on this site... ive asked about ph and ive read info here on ph and no one has mentioned this or maybe i missed it... anyways, whats up with that?


Honestly a lot of the more experienced growers i talk to kind of lead me to believe this is true. I knew a guy who never checked the ph in his hydro system in 8 years, once you have something figured out it is not really needed.
A good balanced soil and nutrient program should make checking ph unness.
Now let the nay sayers bring their doubts........


its not luck, its a fact. 707 is neutral, this means that if you did ph, you would do it at 5.5 - 6.2 or so jus like with hydro. i believe that other sites have much nicer people who help newbies even those with dumb questions... this place is starting to suc now that ive joined. i should have jus kept reading and never joined... but then, i could not see the pic's! arrrrgh!