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  1. GOD$GIFT420

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    i have to say, if i had thin skin i would have lef this joint day one... afterall, there are other boards thats out there where folks are sooooo happy and willing to help! i kept comming back because of the ass holes who tried to taunt me insted of because this was the place where i had found a...
  2. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    lol, its cultural... nevertheless, we can be cool and respect one another as i would like, or, not. its up to you. if so, i will respect you and i will ask for the same. das all. this invitation is open to whomever, even the frog with the n. african a.k. (btw, i have a real one.)
  3. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    you a fool! lmao
  4. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    thanks god... i see who i will be conversing with from now on... there are some real class acts here on this site. i dont have thin skin doe... its kinda cute to tell you the truth! adversity is a motivator... haters are all over the place! lol i luv it!
  5. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    lol, its my first grow and i jus want to see if i can do it. i was told not to go out and buy a bunch of stuff and then learn, to learn then go all out! i wanted to spend 10k... see me in 6-7 mo. then talk... speaking of big buddah, i wanted two of them... a producer and a mothership (jus cause...
  6. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    i joke and i play, but i dont do the gay play. please, we are mostly all men here, dont place me on anther mans dic or another man on mine. not that guy anyways... no woman wants him, what makes you think i do?
  7. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    i dont live in the U.S. bro, i am only here to learn to grow pot. my (1st and oldest- i have two) wife is an officer in the air force/ doing her PhD here in California... dude! my shoes cost more than your entire wardrob! lol and say what you want, i still get laid more than you. i dont care if...
  8. GOD$GIFT420

    Is this too many nutrients?

    i use all fox farm products for my soil and i use canna for my hydro... i jus wanted to see the differences. my next grow will be with xtream gardening products and a few other all in one nute that i have not decided on yet. %100 organic is where im gonna go and proobly some outdoor...
  9. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    Lol, thats nt my home, its my man cave. What? Dont you have one?
  10. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    Lol, i kno rt? But the way i plan is to jus slap up a trallis and bend themall to the light. My dude was telling me how he and his brother had a 6Ft plant in their back yard where they tied it down where each lemb still grew up reaching for the sun. They had a row of buds but from one plant. Im...
  11. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

  12. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    i have two 6in fans running and the inline fan too and its reading 88-89-90! i have the light inches from my plants. it feels pretty cool considering... my humidity is at %50. the light is at 1/2 (dimmed), but i put my hand in and its warm to the touch, the plants are reaching for the light like...
  13. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    thanks yawl...
  14. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    um done playing with kids...
  15. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    no thanks... Kent State did this to me! lol i lived on University street fo three years and all the poo nanny, kegs, and my parents money kinda ruined me. guess what? after all is said and done... i still get laid more than you. call me what you want... jus dont let yo girl or yo mom see me. or...
  16. GOD$GIFT420

    I have evolved!!!

    i am running a 600w, digital dimmable 600w ballast- in a 3x2x5 tent, 500 cfm fan and dimmer switch w/carbon filter, 6in air cooled reflector, 3.4gal air pots, diamond og x2, c4 ogx1, hogs breath x1 clones from THC in san diego. 707 soil w fox farm complete grow cycle. 24hr light. then i...
  17. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    lets not talk farming, lets talk real ist like money, cars and women... i would bet my life your some geek ass dude with tight genes and a wife beater watching porno and smoking weed. me? i do big thangs son, and you dont have to ask nobody... jus come to san diego and i will show you... so...
  18. GOD$GIFT420

    here is my set up!!!

    nobody asked you. what? are you pressed for attention or what?