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  1. needshelp

    clone help!

    Alright thanks for the help ill let you know how that works
  2. needshelp

    clone help!

    Hey, I was planning on taking some cuts to turn into clones but i came across a problem i do not have a "propagator" i have some root gell thing called "gell to root" and it says after taking the cutting to place into the gell then place the cutting in the gell in the base of propagator then...
  3. needshelp


    Alright i think you are right piscasso345 thanks
  4. needshelp


    My lower leaves have started to develop small brown like spots the size of the tip of a pen, now the lowest leaves are turning brown from the tip and yellow and sem to be dieing the top leaves seem fine though but the bottom 2 or 3 sets of leaves seem to have these spots any help ?
  5. needshelp

    More flowering questions

    Alright thanks, my plant is about 1.5 foot and with 6 noches and i think i wil start flowering withink a couple days
  6. needshelp

    More flowering questions

    Anyone got some answers ?
  7. needshelp

    More flowering questions

    Hey just a couple questions 1. How long dose flowering take roughly (I know all strains have diffrent flowering periods) 2. How tall should a plant be before flowering and with this size on average how much bud (estimate for a good quality seed) should it produce\ 3. How much bigger...
  8. needshelp


    ok, and no i did not already ask this today
  9. needshelp


    In the GrowFAQ i came across topping and did not understand can sdomeone help?
  10. needshelp


    well turning it back to veg made my plant some how grow just under 3" in less then 10 hours and grew right into my light and burned its self it wasent a bad burn but now that shock may just be the one that turns her hermi ( hence the thread i made on hermis to find more info just incase)...
  11. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    i see , well thatnks for the help
  12. needshelp

    Hermi question

    alright sounds good
  13. needshelp

    Hermi question

    Hey just need some knowlege on hermi plants such as do the still grow good bud and wats so bad about them and any other stuff you know thanks :-?
  14. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    lol thanks for the suport
  15. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    I was for a week but i stuck the plant back into veg and then the night after it did this and went into the light
  16. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    it was prob on the light anywere from 1 - 3 hours but juging by burns not that long
  17. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    She went into one of the energy saver ones and top leafs got a little burnt there now brown spots
  18. needshelp

    Plant Grew into light!

    My plant grew into my lights and now is burned will she be ok ?
  19. needshelp


    ok Thanks for the help if anyone else has any more information on this let me no
  20. needshelp


    I belive 1 week and a half ... Would the plant be ok and still produce bud later or could it kill it ?