More flowering questions


Active Member
Hey just a couple questions

1. How long dose flowering take roughly (I know all strains have diffrent flowering periods)
2. How tall should a plant be before flowering and with this size on average how much bud (estimate for a good quality seed) should it produce\
3. How much bigger do plants get during flowering ( 2 - 3 times ? )

And lastly i would like to apoligize because i am sure these question have already been asked frequently

Thanks for any helpbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
1. 60 to 90 days flowering.
2. Indoor plants produce 1 to 4 ounces
3. They will stretch from 3 inches to 4 feet
4. you are welcome


Well-Known Member
loaded question my friend but as a estimate i would say flowering well takes at least a month and a half i flower even longer.....its all about ripeness get a magnifing glass...

hight of plants i varried upon what you want to deal with as far as size in veg plants grow bushy and out usually i like to wait untill my plant is at least 4 ft tall with at least 30 budspots perplant before i flower, you can flower a plant as soon as it shows its sex which can happen within a month from seedling stage it depends on strain and conditions of grow and you care...plants like these will produce at least 3 ozs for me a plant

plants mostly grow taller when flowering actuall mesurments all depend on lighting and feeding regime as well as temps and care i will leave you hanging on this last one cause that is all in your hands to decide...good luck man...


Well-Known Member
1.on average 8-10 weeks
2.indoors plants can easily yeild more than 4 ounces if you have the space etc
a 2ft-2,1/2 ft plant will normally yield a few ounces,all depends on strain tho,,,,
3.they usually atleast double in size,,,,,
if you have limited space,just buy a strain that wont outgrow ya space,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Active Member
Alright thanks, my plant is about 1.5 foot and with 6 noches and i think i wil start flowering withink a couple days